Daily Mail


CHOOSE cryptic or quick, answers are the same. SOLUTIONS ON MONDAY



12 Cousin rose nervously to embrace new expert judge in taste (11)

13 Lad we’d treated gets to move clumsily (6)

14 Unpretenti­ous wildlife presenter Kate (6)

16 Leap around making appeal (4)

17 Retired policy expert with projection shows understand­ing (9)

18 The best dairy product (5)

19 Girl’s first now replaced woman’s dress (4)

20 Contrite sales worker, one in competitio­n that’s forfeited right (9)

22 Very cold and quick? (5)

23 First person seen in TV broadcast characteri­sing demanding work? (9)

27 Female Irish spirit has been represente­d (7)

30 Some crude steeplejac­k’s extremely impolite (6)

31 Sailor having to entertain Greek

character? That’s a burden (4)

32 Fixed look in part of a flight, we hear (5)

35 Set of Norse poems recited daily? Not entirely! (4)

36 Pair set off getting to walk wearily (7)

38 Short journey around Ohio to see circular band (4)

39 Roy’s man for repairing stonework (7)

42 Aloof old fellow and member of school (6)

45 Jack in Oban played a stringed instrument (5)

46 Dance venue by road producing friction (7)

47 Scoundrel in audience in central part of church (4)

48 Droplet from duck going round lake (4)

50 Confiscati­on, something to cause a convulsion? (7)

52 Ward off unknown person behind Catherine, say (5)

54 Rod and boy tampered

with thingamy (6)

56 Day in France before longing in turn to make trek (7)

57 Female consumed retrograde Greek cheese (4)

59 Pocket? Rue sort that’s poorly made (7)

61 Claudia and Gilly outwardly are guarded (4)

64 Politician Jack gets tube for sucking liquid (5)

66 Get hold of filmed sequence (4)

67 U.S. magazine lately devoid of content? That’s opportune (6)

69 Protection for a lowly joint? (7)

72 Had hope renewed getting largely modern listening device (9)

73 Temperamen­tal ex-rugby union player Lewis (5)

74 Tin termed faulty gets damage (9)

79 Forbidding Greek starts to intimidate many (4)

81 Dropping book, start to speak about freshwater fish (5)

82 Quickly finish with gloss on holiday (6,3)

83 Slack element in school implied (4)

85 Chap certain without son to get fertiliser (6)

86 High point from Mike’s predecesso­r amid cold times (6)

87 Large eyesore out of place most in story (11)


1 By the sound of it, hideous birds (4)

2 Cover a scene in need of alteration (6)

3 Small gate, something found on a square? (6)

4 Surprise shown by tanker initially in a narrow stretch of water (7)

5 Fighter, oppressive sort, losing face completely (5)

6 Cheap list’s formulated for advertisin­g talk (5,5)

7 Decree retained by vindictive dictator (5)

8 Meaner duo adjusted bearing (9)

9 Glint from Henry tucking into stew (7)

10 Self-satisfied fool supporting last of celebritie­s (4)

11 Bowl badly a series of deliveries and lose force? (4,4)

15 Recommend varied aides to tour Vietnam’s capital (6)

21 Spiral-horned antelope in Eastern country (5)

24 Record group in a miserable state (3,4)

25 Promptly censure politician and circle in start of summer? (4,2)

26 Easily breached harbour clipped by ordinary American (6)

28 Hindu teacher crawled, maybe, over island (5)

29 Dine in Blackheath (3)

33 Lightly heat in water standard broccoli principall­y with some liquid (7)

34 Frank has way to construct a police department? (6)

37 Stick in here regularly or wear away? (5)

40 Golf club overlookin­g first natural waterway (5)

41 One imitating work in Cyprus? It’s terrible (7)

43 Leaf of paper and fancy foil on middle of box (5)

44 Very quiet husband with posh place to keep tools (6)

46 Leading journalist turned up in storage site (5)

49 Dim Arab bothered female pub server (7)

51 Element in fun event lacking in smoothness (6)

53 Rummage about gathering broken tool (6)

55 Where to put chalk, at the correct time? (2,3)

58 Point Alan developed about Conservati­ve’s proposed strategy (6,4)

60 Feature of cricket series (3)

62 Good damp conditions for cultivated cereal (5)

63 Makeshift car banned in social activity (4,5)

65 Means of resolving action in court? (8)

68 Dirt sadly led to confusion (6)

70 Hire painting, perhaps, kept by U.S. singer (7)

71 Woman’s love is beginning to magnify noble quality (7)

75 Change note on group of students (6)

76 Stubborn Frenchman for all to see is found in large hospital (6)

77 Check area in sequence (5)

78 A Glaswegian, for example, has broad necktie (5)

80 Part of rugby immersed in drama, ultimately (4)

84 Small arachnid? It is seen in sides of marquee (4)


12 Expert judge in taste (11)

13 Move clumsily (6)

14 Lowly (6)

16 Appeal (4)

17 Understand­ing (9)

18 Dairy product (5)

19 Woman’s dress (4)

20 Contrite (9)

22 Quick (5)

23 Thorough (9)

27 Female Irish spirit (7)

30 Extremely

impolite (6)

31 Burden (4)

32 Fixed look (5)

35 Set of Norse poems (4)

36 Walk wearily (7)

38 Circular band (4)

39 Stonework (7)

42 Aloof (6)

45 46 Stringed instrument Friction (7) (5)

47 Central part of church (4)

48 Droplet (4)

50 Confiscati­on (7)

52 Ward off (5)

54 Thingamy (6)

56 Trek (7)

57 Greek cheese (4)

59 Pocket (7)

61 Guarded (4)

64 Tube for sucking liquid (5)

66 Receive (4)

67 Opportune (6)

69 Protective joint covering (7)

72 Listening device (9)

73 Temperamen­tal (5)

74 Harm (9)

79 Forbidding (4)

81 Freshwater fish (5)

82 Quickly finish (6,3)

83 Slack (4)

85 Animal dung used as fertiliser (6)

86 Culminate (6)

87 Large eyesore (11)


1 Birds (4)

2 Surround with close-fitting cover (6)

3 Small gate (6)

4 Surprise (7)

5 Completely (5)

6 Advertisin­g talk (5,5)

7 Decree (5)

8 Bearing (9)

9 Glint (7)

10 Self-satisfied (4)

11 Subside (4,4)

15 Recommend (6)

21 Spiral-horned antelope (5)

24 Record (3,4)

25 Promptly censure (4,2)

26 Permeable (6)

28 Hindu teacher (5)

29 Dine (3)

33 Heat in water lightly (7)

34 Frank (6)

37 Wear away (5)

40 Natural waterway (5)

41 Imitator (7)

43 Leaf of paper (5)

44 Very quiet (6)

46 Storage site (5)

49 Female pub server (7)

51 Bumpy (6)

53 Rummage (6)

55 At the correct moment (2,3)

58 Proposed

strategy (6,4)

60 Series (3)

62 Cultivated cereal (5)

63 Social gathering with rhythmic movement (4,5)

65 Means of resolving

tennis match (8)

68 Confusion (6)

70 Hire (7)

71 Noble quality (7)

75 Alter (6)

76 Stubborn (6)

77 Sequence (5)

78 Man’s broad necktie (5)

80 Wound by tearing (4)

84 Small arachnid (4)

 ?? ??

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