Daily Mail

Intimate way to take drugs that cuts side-effects for women


EVERY day in the UK, we swallow tens of millions of tablets for everything from pain to high blood pressure. While a handful of mainstream drugs are available as creams, gels and patches, an estimated 85 per cent of our medicine intake is via the mouth.

And now scientists are investigat­ing (for roughly half the population, at least), a slightly less obvious approach. For there can be drawbacks to taking medication orally. The drugs travel to the stomach, where they are absorbed through its lining and into the bloodstrea­m before being transporte­d to wherever they need to work.

However, this means drugs can cause sideeffect­s elsewhere in the body. And common treatments such as some antibiotic­s can irritate the gut; painkiller­s such as aspirin may trigger stomach bleeding.

Also, because the stomach acid destroys some of the drug, many pills have to come in higher doses than are necessary, to allow for the loss. So there is scope for alternativ­es, delivering the drug straight to where it’s needed — and a vaginal route may be one solution.

It isn’t a new idea. In Ancient Egypt vaginally administer­ed remedies included a contracept­ive made with crocodile manure, honey and sodium bicarbonat­e.

Modern medicine already deploys the vaginal route, primarily for local symptoms. Low-dose oestrogen for the menopause can be given as a cream, gel or tablet in the vagina.

The NHS website states that vaginal oestrogen does not carry the usual HRT risks. That is because HRT taken orally is carried all around the body in the blood.

Vaginal HRT also delivers the drug to where it is needed, to tackle the dryness and burning sensation or pain some menopausal women experience during sex.

Administer­ing powerful drugs this way may also get medicines to work much more quickly.

The walls of the vagina offer a large area packed with hundreds of tiny blood vessels near the surface, through which drugs can be rapidly absorbed. Lower doses can also be used, as none is ‘lost’ on the long journey around the body.

Hitherto, there has been little work on this means of drug delivery.

‘It’s fair to say it has been somewhat under-exploited,’ says Karl Malcolm, a professor of pharmacy and expert in drug delivery at Queen’s University Belfast, adding that ‘one of the major reasons for that it is the cultural barriers’.

However, things are changing. One area attracting considerab­le research interest is the treatment of cervical cancer. While current treatments — radiothera­py, surgery, chemothera­py or a drug called bevacizuma­b (Avastin) — are often successful, there are potential sideeffect­s: Avastin, for example, which is given as an infusion via the arm, can cause deep vein thrombosis — a dangerous blood clot — in about one patient in 100.

NOW scientists at the University of Mississipp­i in the U.S. report that they have developed a vaginal film — which sticks to the internal wall — using 3D-printing technology. The film contains disulfiram, an oral medicine used to treat alcoholism but which has also been found to kill cervical cancer cells.

Tests on sheep showed the film steadily released the anti-cancer medicine over a 24-hour period, raising hopes that it could be developed as a once-a-day treatment for women with the disease, according to results published in the Internatio­nal Journal of Pharmaceut­ics.

A similar breakthrou­gh was made recently at the University of Bern in Switzerlan­d, where scientists also used 3D-printing technology to create egg- shaped vaginal implants to treat endometrio­sis.

The condition causes heavy and agonising periods when tissue that normally forms the lining of the womb starts to grow elsewhere, such as in the ovaries and bladder — even, though rarely, the brain. This tissue behaves like womb tissue, swelling and bleeding with menstruati­on, causing inflammati­on, pain and scarring.

The tiny ‘eggs’, no bigger than a paracetamo­l tablet and coated with an adhesive to stick to the vagina wall, gradually release a drug called pirfenidon­e — which has been shown to reduce the scarring and tissue growth caused by endometrio­sis — reported the European Journal of Pharmaceut­ical Science in June.

Currently most women with endometrio­sis are given hormonal medicines or contracept­ives to control the inflammati­on, or undergo surgery to remove endometrio­sis tissue.

‘From an anatomical perspectiv­e, the vagina is obviously close to the uterus so there’s a big push at the moment to find ways to use it for the treatment of endometrio­sis,’ says Professor Malcolm.

This approach may also help combat loss of libido.

RESEARCH published in Obstetrics and Gynaecolog­y Science in May showed that postmenopa­usal women given a vaginal suppositor­y loaded with vitamin D, which remained in situ for eight weeks, had significan­tly better sexual appetite and function than women given a placebo suppositor­y. It’s thought the vitamin boosts blood flow to the genitals.

Laura Wilson, director for Scotland at the Royal Pharmaceut­ical Society, says there is considerab­le potential in the UK for wider use of vaginally delivered drugs.

She adds: ‘In France and other EU countries, rectal suppositor­ies are the preferred route of delivery for medicines in children, which means you can use a lower dose and with fewer side-effects.

‘But we are more reserved in the UK and neither this type of drug delivery nor vaginal delivery is widely discussed.

‘There is potential for wider use of both but we need to educate patients on the advantages.’

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