Daily Mail

Can jelly sweets and protein drinks stop you getting dehydrated?


STAyInG hydrated is vital to health and our ability to function — and while that’s never more so than in hot weather, for some groups, such as older people, it can be a struggle to remain properly hydrated.

Forgetting to drink enough or not realising how much fluid you’ve lost through sweating, exercise or illness can upset the balance of minerals (electrolyt­es) in the body — ‘which can quickly lead to symptoms such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, confusion and muscle cramps’, says dietitian Chris Cashin, a spokespers­on for the British Dietetic Associatio­n.

Longer term, dehydratio­n can raise the risk of a rapid heart rate and urinary infection. As a rough rule of thumb, the colour of your urine indicates if you’re properly hydrated, she adds. Pale, strawcolou­red urine is good, while darker urine is a sign you need more fluids.

And it seems optimum hydration may not just be about drinking enough fluid. you can now buy hydration ‘aids’, from jelly sweets to fizzy tablets, said to make basic H2O three times more hydrating.

But are they any good? We asked Chris Cashin and Ruth Kander, a dietitian at Fleet Street Clinic in London, to assess a selection of hydration products. We then rated (and tasted) them…


£19.20 for 30 servings, huxhealth.com Per 100ml: Calories, 10; sugar, 0g; salt, 0.14g

CLAIM: ‘A carefully formulated nutritiona­l complex of electrolyt­es and minerals to support optimum hydration and muscle function. Rehydrates more than water alone. Bolsters your immune system and protects cells.’

EXPERT VERDICT: ‘Electrolyt­es can help the body absorb fluid more efficientl­y,’ says Chris Cashin.

‘There are small amounts of sodium, potassium, zinc and magnesium [ all of which are electrolyt­es] here — some of which can aid muscle recovery and are important for a healthy immune system. But you should be able to get adequate amounts from a well-balanced diet.’

She adds that electrolyt­e supplement­s are usually needed if your body’s under stress (e.g. after vomiting), or you’re sweating excessivel­y or hungover (alcohol is a diuretic).

Ruth Kander says that although the sodium in these effervesce­nt tablets can help gut cells absorb fluid more efficientl­y, ‘ a pinch of salt in a glass of water would have the same effect’. 7/10 TASTE TEST: It has a very pleasant, natural flavour. 9/10


£6.45 for 8 x 3g sachets, superdrug.com

Per 100ml: Calories, 2; sugar, 0.13g; salt, 0.03mg

CLAIM: ‘Designed to help you drink more water. Add a sachet to 300-500ml water for an unbeatable night of sleep.

‘Contains L-theanine [an amino acid said to ease stress] & 5-HTP [an amino acid converted by the body into the ‘feel good’ hormone serotonin] and magnesium. Drink 60 to 90 minutes before bed.’ EXPERT VERDICT: ‘Adding these sachets of sugar-free flavour and nutrients to water is designed to encourage you to drink more water,’ says Ruth Kander.

‘But hydration is not just about water: other fluids, including fruit juice, milk and tea or coffee, as well as fruit and veg with a high water content, such as cucumbers, also count.’

The sachets contain sodium and potassium ‘in very small amounts’, she adds. ‘L-theanine and 5-HTP are said to help insomnia and depression, but more research is needed to support those claims.’

Chris Cashin adds: ‘ For many people, drinking a substantia­l amount of fluid before bedtime can lead to a night disturbed by trips to the loo. So if that’s you, maintainin­g good hydration throughout the day with regular fluid intake is a better idea.’ 5/10 TASTE TEST: The blackcurra­nt flavour is overpowere­d by the sweetener. 2/10


From 95p for nine drops, jellydrops. com (pictured) Per 100g: Calories, 13; sugar, 0g; salt, 0.17g CLAIM: ‘ Sugar- free jelly sweets made with 95 per cent water and added electrolyt­es [salt, sodium citrate and potassium chloride]. Popular with people with dementia, the elderly and others who struggle to stay hydrated, this snack helps to increase fluid intake.’

EXPERT VERDICT: ‘Adequate fluid intake can become a real problem as we age,’ says Chris Cashin. We can lose the ability to register thirst and need to be prompted to drink — which is a particular problem for those with dementia.

‘Mobility or urological problems may also lead some people to drink less, potentiall­y leading to dehydratio­n, confusion and urinary tract infections,’ she adds.

Ruth Kander says these may ‘work as a handy snack or treat’ in these circumstan­ces, but ‘nine sweets offer just 50ml of water, which will have very little impact on hydration levels.

‘Other approaches — including using a straw or offering foods with a high water content (such as soups or ice lollies made with fruit) — can also be very effective.’ 6/10 TASTE TEST: Refreshing­ly fruity, but sweetener aftertaste lingers. 6/10


£24.95 for 60g, cultbeauty.co.uk Per 100ml: Calories, 0.9; sugar, n/a; salt, trace

CLAIM: Add a scoop of this powder to at least 400ml water. Dr ink once or twice a day.

‘ Provides long-lasting cellular hydration to revitalise your skin and body. Contains hyaluronic acid — which can retain up to 1,000 times its own weight in water and provide a cushion between cells to keep skin looking plump.’ EXPERT VERDICT: Dehydratio­n can lead to dry skin, says Chris Cashin, who adds that the powder contains electrolyt­es to aid fluid uptake, plus 100 per cent of your daily vitamin C. ‘But you should be able to get all of this from a balanced diet,’ she says.

Ruth Kander adds that there is a ‘small amount’ (76mg in a serving) of hyaluronic acid and resveratro­l. Early studies suggest hyaluronic acid (a natural lubricant found in the skin, eyes and joints) may help moisturise skin, but more research is needed ‘and there’s only a small amount here’.

Resveratro­l — a powerful antioxidan­t found in red grapes — might interfere with bloodthinn­ing medication and non- steroidal anti-inflammato­ry drugs, so consult your GP before you try this. 5/10 TASTE TEST: This has a subtle berry flavour. 8/10

UPBEAT PROTEIN HYDRATION BERRY £1.65 for 500ml, sainsburys.co.uk Per 100ml: Calories, 12; sugar, 0g; salt, less than 0.01g

CLAIM: Contains whey isolate protein from milk and ‘gives instant access to essential hydration, body-boosting protein and energising B vitamins without slowing you down. Zero sugar’. EXPERT VERDICT: ‘This is basically flavoured water with added protein and vitamins,’ says Ruth Kander. ‘It won’t hydrate you more efficientl­y than a glass of water, but if you’re exercising you’ll also get the benefit of 10g protein — the equivalent of two small boiled eggs. Ingesting protein (10-20g depending on body weight) after exercise can help muscle recovery.’

While B vitamins are important for converting food into energy, you need to be eating a balanced diet for them to do their job — and if so, you shouldn’t need the extra vitamins, she adds.

Although this also contains BCAAs (branched- chain amino acids) for muscle recovery, these are naturally found in meat, beans, wholegrain­s and nuts.

‘There’s no strong evidence that BCAA supplement­s are better for muscle growth than those we get from food,’ says Ruth Kander.

BCAAs can interact with thyroid, diabetes and Parkinson’s medication­s so check with your GP before using this. 4/10 TASTE TEST: This has a fruity flavour and a powdery aftertaste. 5/10


£8.90 for 12 cubes, waterdrop.com

Per 100ml: Calories, 1; sugar, 0g; salt, 0.06g

CLAIM: ‘Energising hydration.’ One cube dropped into a bottle of water provides ‘guarana, cola nut, blackberry, a hint of activated charcoal and 100mg natural caffeine for an energy kick’. EXPERT VERDICT: ‘These soluble cubes offer a handy sustainabl­e way to make drinking water more palatable,’ says Ruth Kander.

‘The high caffeine content — similar to a strong cup of coffee — comes from a combinatio­n of guarana [an Amazonian plant] and cola nut and might be useful for a quick energy boost when you’re flagging. I wouldn’t recommend drinking it in the evening — the caffeine could keep you awake. Caffeine can also trigger reflux.’

Chris Cashin adds: ‘The vitamin B12 — 45 per cent of your recommende­d daily amount — in this could be helpful if you don’t eat animal products.’ 5/10 TASTE TEST: This has a spicy blackberry flavour. 9/10


£4.36 for 24 tablets, boots.com Per 100ml: Calories, 8; sugar, 1.67g; salt, 0.34g

CLAIM: ‘Formulated to follow the World Health Organizati­on oral rehydratio­n solution guidelines. A mix of electrolyt­es and glucose is proven to be the fastest way to restore a healthy level of hydration, and also keeps you hydrated for longer than water alone.’ Use two tablets in 200ml water.

EXPERT VERDICT: ‘The combinatio­n of a small amount of glucose with electrolyt­es [ potassium and sodium] is ideal for fast rehydratio­n after excessive sweating, vomiting or diarrhoea, as the glucose helps the body absorb fluid and electrolyt­es more quickly,’ says Ruth Kander.

‘ The sodium changes the pressure in the cells to hydrate the body. This is a useful product for a holiday first aid kit.’ 9/10 TASTE TEST: This has a sweet, chalky, lemon flavour. 4/10

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