Daily Mail

Charles: AI’s as big a leap for us as fire

- By Jim Norton Technology Editor

KING Charles has hailed artificial intelligen­ce as ‘no less significan­t’ than the discovery of fire – but warned it would also bring ‘significan­t risks’.

Addressing the AI summit at Bletchley Park, he urged global leaders and tech chiefs to work together in keeping the technology ‘safe and secure’.

The monarch told the attendees it was their duty to protect livelihood­s and secure democracy from harm.

Shortly before his address, Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan announced that the 28 countries attending – including the US and China – had come to a ‘historic’ world-first agreement, called the Bletchley Declaratio­n, committing to ensuring AI was developed and deployed safely.

King Charles thanked those attending for laying the foundation to make AI a ‘force for good in this world’.

In the opening session of the summit, the King said internatio­nal cooperatio­n had been vital in the fight against climate change.

In footage recorded at Buckingham Palace before he left for Kenya, he said: ‘We must similarly address the risks presented by AI, with a sense of urgency, unity and collective strength.’ Setting out the potential benefits AI could bring, such as finding a cure for Alzheimer’s, he said: ‘We are witnessing one of the greatest technologi­cal leaps in the history of human endeavour.

‘The rapid rise of powerful artificial intelligen­ce is considered by many of the greatest thinkers of our age to be no less significan­t – no less important – than the discovery of electricit­y, the splitting of the atom, the creation of the worldwide web, or even the harnessing of fire.’

He continued: ‘However, if we are to realise the untold benefits of AI, then we must work together on combating its significan­t risks too. AI continues to advance with ever-greater speed towards models that some predict could surpass human abilities – even human understand­ing.’

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