Daily Mail

Man held over mice protest at McDonald’s

- By Summer Goodkind and James Fielding

A 32-YEAR-OLD man was arrested yesterday in connection with live rodents thrown into Birmingham McDonald’s restaurant­s.

Social media influencer Amir Khan was in custody yesterday after attending a police station voluntaril­y.

West Midlands Police said it still wanted to speak to a second man, Billal Hussain, 30, over the incidents on Monday and Tuesday, in what appear to be protests related to the conflict in Gaza.

A video posted on social media on Monday showed customers jumping in shock as mice dyed in the colours of the Palestinia­n flag scurried at their feet. Pro-Palestinia­n activists have called for protests against McDonald’s after a restaurant in Israel donated meals to Israeli soldiers and security workers.

The rodents were released at restaurant­s off Watson Road, Nechells, at around 5.30pm on Monday, and in Regina Drive, Perry Barr, at around 1.30pm on Tuesday.

A third incident just before 9pm on Tuesday in Coventry Road, Small Heath, is also being investigat­ed but may be unconnecte­d, police said. The force added that the ‘appalling’ acts would not be tolerated, and it would be stepping up patrols. McDonald’s said its restaurant­s had been closed for a full clean and visit from pest control partners. A spokesman said the corporatio­n ‘is not funding or supporting any government­s involved in this conflict’. Meanwhile in Keighley,

‘Customers jumping in shock’

West Yorkshire, thugs draped in the Palestinia­n flag released stick insects into a McDonald’s restaurant on Tuesday night.

A Starbucks, also in Keighley, had its windows smashed on the same night. Last month, the coffee shop chain sued its union after it posted a message on X expressing solidarity with Palestinia­ns.

 ?? ?? Chaos: The dyed rodents
Chaos: The dyed rodents

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