Daily Mail

Gel has eased my heartburn


MARIANNE Sloan (pictured) has suffered with gastrointe­stinal symptoms for more than ten years, experienci­ng painful episodes of heartburn lasting up to eight hours, as well as bloating and other stomach troubles. Stress is a trigger, as are certain foods such as melted cheese, white bread, and creamy sauces. ‘And if I eat anything to excess, either heartburn or stomach troubles can swiftly follow,’ she says.

After a diagnosis of a gastrointe­stinal disorder, Marianne, 45, tried remedies, but with little success.

The unpredicta­bility of attacks has impacted her work and led her to miss out on events such as birthday celebratio­ns and interviews. Thankfully, a friend gave Marianne a bottle of Silicolgel to try.

‘It has helped reduce all my symptoms. As soon as the heartburn starts, I take it.

‘The first time, three hours into a bad night of heartburn, I was able to lie down within 20 minutes and sleep until morning. I couldn’t believe it. It has made such a difference to me.’ Silicolgel contains colloidal silicic acid gel which can relieve gastrointe­stinal disorders including reflux, heartburn, stomach pain, nausea, abdominal discomfort and flatulence. Once taken, the gel forms a protective and soothing coating that lines the stomach and adsorbs irritants, which are then passed out of the body. Users typically report relief from their symptoms and being able to exercise, cope better at work, use public transport and accept social invitation­s with confidence again. Silicolgel can be purchased from Boots, Superdrug, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Holland & Barrett and health stores.

 ?? Picture: SILICOLGEL ??

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