Daily Mail

A new smile in one day


THERE are many reasons for purchasing a new chair. Perhaps you are moving house and feel the need for some new furnishing­s. Your joints may be getting creaky and you crave a more supportive solution, or maybe your favourite chair is simply worn out! Modern reclining chairs work by tilting back and raising the legs to support the body in a relaxed position.

As well as being a comfortabl­e way to nap, read or watch TV, this position has been shown to improve circulatio­n and ease symptoms of indigestio­n — plus they are great if you’re partial to a snooze after a meal. While many are available, made-to-measure chairs are designed to be the most supportive and will minimise pressure on the joints and bones. This enhances comfort for any user, but is especially important for people with arthritis, poor circulatio­n or anyone who will spend a lot of time in the chair, as it significan­tly reduces the risk of pressure sores.

Rise and recliner chairs do everything that recliner chairs do, with the added function of a forward tilt to assist users getting out of the chair. This is convenient for individual­s who can move around independen­tly, but need a little help to

Need a supportive chair? You’ll feel comfiest if it’s made-to-measure

push themselves up. For long-term use, it’s always worth getting a riser recliner to futureproo­f against potential mobility issues. Though a simple addition, the rise function can have a tremendous impact in prolonging independen­ce, as you don’t have to wait for help to get up.

For an expert opinion, contact the team at the Mobility Furniture Company for more informatio­n or a demonstrat­ion, where you can try out your new chair in situ. Once you’ve decided, you can put your feet up, relaxing in the knowledge you’ve picked the very best chair for your personal situation. Bliss!


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