Daily Mail


Mobbed in Singapore... but one hungry young fan gets a little too close

- By David Wilkes

SHAKING the hands of royal enthusiast­s is something Prince William is more than accustomed to. And, until now, it was safe to say that the heir to the throne has never had one of those fans bite him.

however, that was William’s fate after he arrived to a hero’s welcome in Singapore yesterday ahead of the earthshot Prize Awards. he was on a walkabout at the Jewel, a nature-themed complex at Changi airport, when he stopped to greet eight-month-old Albane Costa.

The baby flashed him a cheeky smile before gently biting his finger. William took the moment in his stride, grinning at the playful baby and saying gently: ‘I need my finger back.’

The father of three, who arrived without his wife Kate as she is understood to be staying at home to support their son George with school exams, took a 13-hour commercial flight to Singapore.

Appearing on a balcony alongside Sim Ann, Singapore’s senior minister for foreign affairs, William was greeted with cheers from well-wishers who were waving Union Jacks.

The prince, who last visited Singapore in 2012, said: ‘It’s fantastic to be back in Singapore for this year’s earthshot Prize ceremony, after 11 years. Singapore’s bold vision to be a leader for environmen­tal innovation sets the standard for others to follow.’

The previous two ceremonies of the annual earthshot Prize were held in Boston and London, and the event aims to recognise solutions to ‘repair’ the planet. Five category winners will tomorrow be awarded £1million each to continue their environmen­tal work.

‘I need my finger back’

 ?? ?? Big welcome: Prince William at Singapore airport yesterday
Big welcome: Prince William at Singapore airport yesterday
 ?? ?? Playful: William smiles at baby Albane
Playful: William smiles at baby Albane
 ?? ?? Just a nibble: Albane bites the royal finger
Just a nibble: Albane bites the royal finger

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