Daily Mail

‘40 killed’ in strike on Gaza refugee camp as Humza family reunited

- By Andy Jehring

Israel continued to strike the Gaza strip over the weekend as it fights to eliminate Hamas terrorists and destroy undergroun­d weapons stores.

It was accused by the terrorist regime of hitting a cluster of houses in the Maghazi refugee camp leaving 40 dead and 34 wounded on saturday night.

The Hamas- run Ministry of Health claimed many of the victims were women and children.

arafat abu Mashaia, who lives in the camp, said: ‘It was a true massacre. all here are peaceful people.

‘I challenge anyone who says there were resistance [fighters] here.’

The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) was then accused of striking the Bureij refugee camp yesterday, which ‘destroyed residentia­l homes and killed a large number of people’.

Footage released by the IDF appeared to show evidence that Hamas were hiding munitions stores under children’s playground to effectivel­y use its own civilians as a human shield but it was not possible to verify the claims.

last night the UN’s World Food Programme issued an urgent appeal for aid and said food supplies in Gaza were running ‘dangerousl­y low’.

Meanwhile, scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf has been reunited with his parentsin-law after they were in trapped in Gaza for over three weeks. Mr Yousaf posted a picture of himself with elizabeth and Maged el-Nakla, parents of his wife Nadia, who found themselves trapped in Gaza when the conflict began on October 7 after travelling there to visit family.

They are understood to have flown back to edinburgh airport yesterday after leaving the territory via the rafah crossing.

Writing on X, formerly Twitter, last night, Mr Yousaf said: ‘all of the family is so pleased to have them back home in scotland. However, our thoughts remain with those who can’t leave.’

He added that his father-in-law’s ‘heart is broken in two’ after having to leave behind loved ones in the war-ravaged region.

The first minister’s brother-in-law and his family remain in Gaza, as do his wife’s grandmothe­r and stepmother.

 ?? ?? Joyful return: Maged and Elizabeth El-Nakla, centre, are surrounded by family members in Scotland, including the First Minister Humza Yousaf, top right
Joyful return: Maged and Elizabeth El-Nakla, centre, are surrounded by family members in Scotland, including the First Minister Humza Yousaf, top right

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