Daily Mail

‘ Celeb’ Farage wins hearts of Tory faithful

- Andrew Pierce

MORE good news for Nigel Farage, who — it was reported last week — is being paid a record fee of £1.5 million to appear in the next series of ITV’s I’m A Celebrity . . .

A poll published yesterday by Tory- supporting news website Conservati­veHome showed that seven out of ten party members would be keen to welcome Farage back into the fold should he reapply to become a Tory member.

It’s a marked change since 2014, when barely a third of the members were in favour of the party forming an alliance with Farage’s Ukip.

In its report, Conservati­ve Home says:

‘The shift in sentiment about the former Ukip leader is unmistakab­le. What’s changed? First, the EU referendum.

‘ Most of our panel will have been for Brexit, and see

Farage as being on the same side. Next, celebrity: he is morphing into one.

‘Finally, his appalling treatment by Coutts [bank] exemplifie­d the pervasiven­ess of woke capitalism — and his canny fightback conveyed a sense of a man who gets things done.’

Farage attended the Conservati­ve Party Conference last month for the first time since 1988, having quit the Tories in 1992 in protest over then PM John Major’s signing the Maastricht Treaty, which establishe­d the European Union.

His popularity could be further boosted by his appearance on I’m A Celebrity. It is not unpreceden­ted for a politician to claw back their reputation by publicly humiliatin­g themselves on the ITV reality show’s bushtucker trials.

Indeed, disgraced former Health Secretary Matt Hancock proved a highly unlikely hit last year, eventually finishing in third place.

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