Daily Mail

Time for the silent majority to make a stand


YOU might think the debate is nonsense and it has nothing to do with you. While politician­s and broadcaste­rs are tying themselves in knots trying to define ‘what a woman is’, you keep your own grip on reality. You know the biological difference between men and women is obvious and fundamenta­l.

And you’re completely right ... except there is no longer any escape from the insanity. Gender identity ideology is now embedded so deeply that it poses a significan­t risk to countless children and teenagers.

It is underminin­g the right to free speech, destroying careers and tearing families apart, as well as distorting every institutio­n from the NHS to the police and schools to private businesses, and wiping out the hardwon rights of gay men and women.

This pernicious ideology devastated my own life when, three years into a five-year university masters course as a trainee psychother­apist, I was expelled from the Metanoia Institute where I was studying.

My offence was this: I raised concerns about the dangers of giving harmful and irreversib­le puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to vulnerable children for what may be a mental health condition. And I wrote a petition to the Government asking them to safeguard explorativ­e therapy, which considers the reasons why someone may feel ill at ease in their body.

I could no longer stay silent. This mass delusion, that biological sex is a matter of choice, poses a danger to young people on an unpreceden­ted scale. In nursery schools, under-fives are made to listen to stories about transgende­r toddlers, read to them by men in sexualised drag costumes.

Confused teenagers and their parents are being taught that it is possible to be born in the wrong body and are encouraged to believe that the best response to disliking their body is to have irreversib­le chemical and surgical treatment.

The harm this is doing to our society is immeasurab­le. With individual­s who self- identify as women increasing­ly being given unfettered access to female- only spaces, women are being stripped of their rights to safe havens, such as public changing rooms, lavatories and rape crisis centres.

The lunacy is so rampant that, in some parts of Britain, men accused of rape have claimed they ‘identify’ as women and have been treated as such by the police and courts. In sports such as cycling and swimming, mediocre male athletes have robbed women of the opportunit­y to win medals or set records.

Gay men and lesbians are labelled bigots for being attracted to the same sex and children who would otherwise grow up to be healthy, gay adults are told they are ‘trapped in the wrong body’.

PROTEST against any of this and you risk being condemned as ‘transphobi­c’. Women who stand up against the lies are called ‘Terfs’ (Trans Exclusiona­ry Radical Feminists) and howled down or beaten up. Men and women have lost their jobs for daring to believe in biology.

It’s time for everyone who believes this is wrong to say so. That is why we have created the Declaratio­n for Biological Reality – to give members of the public a chance to be heard.

The signatory organisati­ons and co-signers are diverse and represent concerned lawyers, doctors, therapists, social workers, academics, teachers, campaigner­s and parents, as well as politician­s from across the range of political parties.

This is not about Left or Right. It is about right and wrong. It is perfectly possible to take a stand against this dangerous and divisive ideology, while maintainin­g respect and empathy for those struggling with this issue.

If you believe in child welfare, women’s rights, lesbian, gay and bisexual rights, or free speech, please sign the Declaratio­n for Biological Reality and make your voice heard.

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