Daily Mail

Plan your ‘ageing in place’


THERE’S always been fluidity between U.S . English and UK English, and a term starting to reach us from across the Atlantic, is ‘ageing in place.’ But what does it mean?

It means taking the necessary steps to make sure the home we love is suitable for ongoing living as we age.

This avoids the triplewham­my of heart-wrenching relocation, spiralling care home fees, and the current residentia­l and domiciliar­y care staffing crisis.

It’s not just risk management, though. Research has shown continuing to live independen­tly surrounded by friends, support network, and a familiar environmen­t does wonders for our mental health, keeping it strong and positive well into retirement age. Successful ageing in place can be achieved through carefully planning for our later years. The key is sensitive and gradual adaption of our property.

When a replacemen­t bathroom is due, perhaps install a wet room instead, with some in-built seating.

Kitchen remodellin­g? Make sure you leave sufficient space for future wheelchair use. As for stairs, there is no better investment than a homelift. Stiltz is the best-selling and most popular manufactur­er of homelifts in the UK. Its products are uniquely designed; the lift car runs on two free-standing vertical rails. This allows for flexible positionin­g. For example, when the compact Duo product is tucked in the corner of a room, it takes up no more space than a small armchair.

The advantage of Stiltz is that the products don’t look like accessibil­ity aids. They’re attractive, quiet, quick to install and electrical­ly powered, plugging into a standard domestic power socket.

 ?? Picture: STILTZ ??
Picture: STILTZ

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