Daily Mail

A walk-in bath has solved our dilemma

‘ I love a soak and Bill prefers a shower’


FLORENCE Leek, from mid-Wales has always loved a good soak, while husband Bill prefers a shower — but bathing either way was becoming dangerous as both struggled to step up and over the side of their standard shower-bath, she says.

The couple were aware they were taking a risk each time. Bill, 85, suffers with COPD while Florence, 83, gets vertigo — conditions which made traditiona­l bathing and showering a daily ordeal.

‘We’d find we would get half way into the bath, whether to shower or to bathe, and have to wait a few minutes to get into the most steady position to lift our second leg up and over before we could begin washing,’ Florence explains. ‘We knew if we carried on like this, one day one of us was likely to fall — but I really didn’t want to lose our bath, so we had to look into what could be done to suit us both.’

The couple (pictured) saw the Walk In Bath Company advertised in a doorstep flyer. Florence adds: ‘We liked the look of the baths, which have a door on the side to make it easy to get in and out — but wanted to know more. I rang the company who immediatel­y sent out a brochure. After looking at it, we felt it was worth the salesman visiting us to provide a quote.’ Within three weeks of seeing the flyer, they had ordered an Aire Deep Soak Tub and had a date for its fitting.

‘The job was completed in just a day. The team did a fantastic job and were so polite, tidy and helpful. It really is a perfect solution as we still have a shower over the bath, but the tub itself is now easily accessible through the door in the side.’

The couple were so delighted with just how easy the walk-in bath was to use that Bill, a keen baker, presented managing director Jules Allen with a cake when he came to review the project and check they were happy.

‘We are absolutely delighted. The bath is comfortabl­e and means we can both bathe or shower in the way we always have,’ says Florence.

 ?? ?? Pictures: WALK IN BATH CO

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