Daily Mail

I can work without worry as gel relieves stomach discomfort


SINCE her teens, Natalie Fisher has suffered from abdominal discomfort and reflux — but she wasn’t diagnosed with a gastrointe­stinal disorder until her early twenties. Natalie, 38, from Kent, says stomach troubles run in her family.

‘I’m a working mum and my job is full-on. When I am stressed, I usually experience a flare-up. ‘It’s a vicious circle. Stress makes the symptoms worse, but at very hectic times I’m also worrying about them, which doesn’t help.’

A colleague suggested trying Silicolgel after finding relief from her own gastrointe­stinal discomfort. Natalie says: ‘I’ve been using the gel for about eight months, and it has relieved my stomach discomfort and even improved my reflux, while saving me money on other remedies. I can now go to work without worrying.’ She adds: ‘During a normal day, the windy stomach pains would peak around 2pm to 3pm and carry on. But since taking Silicolgel, I no longer experience those uncomforta­ble afternoons and can get on with my duties.

‘It has made my working life so much easier.’ Silicolgel contains colloidal silicic acid gel which can relieve gastrointe­stinal disorders including reflux, heartburn, stomach pain, nausea, abdominal discomfort and flatulence. Once taken, the gel forms a protective and soothing coating that lines the stomach and adsorbs irritants, which are then passed out of the body. Users typically report relief from their symptoms and being able to exercise, cope better at work, use public transport and accept social invitation­s with confidence again. Silicolgel can be purchased from Boots, Superdrug, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Holland & Barrett and health stores.

 ?? Picture: SILICOLGEL ??

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