Daily Mail

Don’t shed a tear for all landlords

- R.I.A. GREEN, Malvern, Worcs.

BrIaN STaNYer (Letters) makes a spirited defence of landlords who use Section 21 to evict tenants for no reason. he claims landlords are not getting a fair deal. Well, I’m still fuming over my treatment in 2020-2021.

I lived in what I assumed was my home for 15 years, each year my contract being renewed. Letting agency staff inspected the house every six months and often compliment­ed me on its upkeep, as the walls and carpets looked no different from when I’d first moved in. But with every new contract, the rent went up until, after 15 years, I was paying over the market rate. The landlord was informed that he couldn’t justifiabl­y raise the rent yet again, so he immediatel­y decided to put the house on the market and began court proceeding­s against me. I had just a short time to pack up and find a new home.

The court decided not only to make me homeless (within a couple of weeks of their decision) but ordered me to pay the landlord’s costs, which I will be doing until the middle of 2025, as I am a female pensioner.

The local council stepped in and I was given a couple of months’ reprieve while they found a home for me. Sadly, making it habitable took up a lot of my savings and increased my health problems. That was 21 months ago. about six months ago, I met my old neighbour who told me the house was still empty and unsold, which I think is karma, as I paid for my own eviction and the landlord lost more than

£10,000 in rent because of his greed. I suspect the house is still unsold. So I have little pity for those who advocate that landlords can behave in this way when a tenant has kept a property in good condition and, like me, never missed a single rent payment.

Name supplied, Banbury, Oxon. The housing market suffered its most devastatin­g upheaval between 25 and 30 years ago. at that time, there was a balance of ownership, with first-time buyers ‘getting on the ownership ladder’ by

buying all the wonderful terrace houses at a reasonable cost.

Then the buy-to-let mob saw an opportunit­y that was better than their long-term pension policies and bought everything in sight, causing mayhem. Starter homes disappeare­d and, eventually, renting became the only option for many. The rich got annoyingly richer and the decline in home ownership gathered pace. Don’t feel sorry or shed a tear for those landlords. They destroyed a way of life.

 ?? ?? Legally homeless: Even model tenants can still be evicted for no reason
Legally homeless: Even model tenants can still be evicted for no reason

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