Daily Mail

2 teens held after boy, 15, dies in stab attack near school

A BOY of 15 has died after being stabbed near two schools in Leeds.

- By Chris Brooke

Emergency services were called to the scene in the Horsforth area of the city shortly before 3pm yesterday but the teenager died in hospital.

West Yorkshire Police said two teenage boys have been arrested over the incident.

The stabbing took place close to Horsforth School and the nearby St Margaret’s Primary School. The teenager who died was a former pupil at the secondary school, which had a ‘good’ rating from watchdog Ofsted in its most recent inspection.

Senior investigat­ing officer Detective Chief Inspector Stacey Atkinson said: ‘Our investigat­ion is at an early stage and we are carrying out extensive enquiries to establish exactly what led to this needless loss of a young man’s life.We understand the immense impact and huge shock a tragic incident of this nature will have on the community locally.

‘Our neighbourh­ood police team are working with partners, including schools in the area to offer support and reassuranc­e.

‘ We have already spoken to a number of witnesses and are keen to hear from anyone who has informatio­n about the incident.’

Last night around 50 young people gathered for a candlelit vigil near the scene of the stabbing.

Two bunches of white flowers had also been left at a police cordon.

The head teacher of Horsforth School and Sixth Form, which has around 1,500 pupils, said the victim was a former pupil who had been stabbed close to the school grounds.

In a message to parents, Paul Bell said: ‘Our thoughts and sympathies lie with his family at this time.

‘We are aware of the distress and upset this has caused students and staff who know the student.

‘We will be supporting students and staff in school.’

A parent at the school, who asked not to be named, said: ‘It’s horrible. It’s shocking because it’s a nice area.

You read about these things happening in London and you think it’s dangerous to be a teenager there, but you don’t think it would happen here.

‘I just keep thinking about the parents. He probably went out this morning and they were expecting him to come home, and he’s not there.’

A number of streets were sealed off by police investigat­ing the attack.

The Air Ambulance was called to the scene and a police helicopter flew overhead as part of a major emergency services response.

Children at the primary school were kept inside for collection by parents as the incident happened near the end of the school day.

Jonathan Pryor, deputy leader of Leeds City Council, said on X, formerly Twitter: ‘Heartbroke­n to learn of a serious event in Horsforth this afternoon.

‘I know the distress and upset this will cause students and staff.

‘While there isn’t much we can say at this stage, an arrest has been made, and we will be supporting Horsforth School in every way we can.’

Stuart Andrew, the Tory MP for Pudsey, Horsforth and Aireboroug­h, said: ‘The terrible news in Horsforth today is deeply shocking and distressin­g, and my heartfelt sympathy goes to the family of the victim.

‘I cannot imagine how they will be feeling and my thoughts are prayers are with them at this dreadful time.’

‘Needless loss of a young man’s life’

 ?? ?? Tragedy: Police at the scene of the stabbing yesterday
Tragedy: Police at the scene of the stabbing yesterday

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