Daily Mail

PM slams ‘repulsive’ attack on poppy seller

- By Graham Grant, Dan Barker and Michael Blackley

RISHI Sunak condemned yesterday the ‘repulsive’ assault of a poppy seller who was caught up in a pro-Palestine rally.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman praised Jim Henderson and others who had made ‘huge sacrifices’ for their country after the Mail revealed the pensioner’s ordeal.

Mr Henderson, who served with the Army in Northern Ireland, was ‘punched’ and ‘kicked’ while manning a stall at Edinburgh’s Waverley Station on Saturday as 1,200 activists protested against Israeli attacks in Gaza.

Footage shows the 78-year- old trying to escape. The attack ended only when rail staff shoved the demonstrat­ors away.

Yesterday the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: ‘This was a repulsive act.

‘Mr Henderson, like all our veterans, has made huge sacrifices for our country. We are confident the police will treat this very seriously and use the full force of the law.’

A spokesman for First Minister Humza Yousaf also condemned the actions of some demonstrat­ors despite backing the protests.

Justice Secretary Alex Chalk told LBC Radio’s Nick Ferrari at Breakfast the assault on Mr Henderson ‘sent a shudder down [his] spine, adding: ‘It’s truly, truly appalling.’

Mr Henderson said: ‘I’ve never known anything like it – chanting, saying it’s all about the Government, British people, Jews.’

Defence commentato­r Stuart Crawford said: ‘Many of these people are not particular­ly bothered about which cause they are demonstrat­ing in support of, as long as it gives them an excuse to cause trouble.’

Detectives are investigat­ing the incident.

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