Daily Mail

Armistice Day is for peace, not protest


If, As is threatened, armistice Day is disrupted by a pro-Palestine mob, britain will be changed for ever. if our nation is so preoccupie­d with compromise that it ignores those who gave their lives for us, we no longer deserve respect from the rest of the world. Police who look the other way should no longer wear the uniform, while military personnel may well reflect on their future role as our defenders.

mr k. morris, cavendish, suffolk. To Hold a protest in London on armistice Day is a disgrace. Were it not for the brave servicemen who lost their lives, we would not live in a democracy that allows demonstrat­ions. Let the protesters choose another weekend.

mick Hargreaves, Wrexham. Without wishing to be a prophet of doom, i hope the Met Commission­er has devised a good plan to prevent hamas supporters from disrupting proceeding­s at the Cenotaph this year.

Frederick Crowley, Bishop’s Nympton, devon. If armistice Day is usurped by a pro-Palestinia­n demonstrat­ion at the Cenotaph while our Jewish citizens are forced to cower behind closed doors, fearful for their lives, then my 24 years of service in the raf and my pride at being british and a military veteran will have been cast into the swamp.

Steven cleaver, driffield, e. yorks. How sad that the town council in barry, South Wales, is prepared to cancel such an important event as a remembranc­e Day parade over health and safety concerns. nobody cared about health and safety 80 years ago when all those men died to protect us.

Ian Fuller, Harrogate, N. yorks. What happens when an obsession with multicultu­ralism and diversity collides with national identity and pride? We may be about to find out.

les Wilson, altrincham, cheshire.

 ?? ?? Respect for the fallen: King Charles at last year’s Remembranc­e ceremony
Respect for the fallen: King Charles at last year’s Remembranc­e ceremony

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