Daily Mail

Doorbell footage captures killer’s terrifying knife attack after row over wedding gifts

- By Andy Dolan

WIELDING a blade in a frenzy, a knifeman tried to kick his way into a house before stabbing his daughter’s father-in-law to death as a doorbell camera captured the horrific scene.

Mohammed Salem ibrahim was a dentist who fled war-torn Syria for the UK in search of a better life only to be knifed after a bitter row over wedding gifts.

The 55- year- old had invited Ahmad Al Sino, 43, to his home as an olive branch after the tiff over gold jewellery that was given to their children but was stabbed four times on his own doorstep with a gino d’Acampo kitchen knife.

A jury took just three hours to deliberate before convicting Al Sino of murder last month.

After he was jailed for life at Birmingham Crown Court, police issued doorbell footage capturing the attack and other images showing how they tracked the killer across the city after his victim’s family dialled 999.

Al Sino was arrested outside his home just 40 minutes after the murder, with the knife recovered from a carrier bag in the passengers­ide footwell.

The court heard that the killer’s daughter, lylan, lived with her husband Aram – Mr ibrahim’s son – at his family home in Castle Vale, Birmingham.

But the couple got into a dispute over a bag of jewellery they had received as wedding gifts after her father and brother had driven her to the house to collect some belongings, jurors heard.

Prosecutor­s said Al Sino and son Bashar, 20, had kicked and forced the door after pregnant lylan called them as they waited outside the house, falsely claiming that she had been assaulted upstairs.

Ring doorbell footage captured a scuffle which ensued at the doorway between Ahmad and Bashar with Mr ibrahim and Aram on March 13.

Mr ibrahim, who used to be his assailant’s dentist in Syria, was stabbed multiple times. The father of five could not be saved.

Aram also suffered serious injuries but survived the attack.

Al Sino fled after the knife attack

but police were swiftly called and launched a hunt to find them, calling on a helicopter, automatic number plate recognitio­n cameras and CCTV.

West Midlands Police were able to plot the route of Al Sino’s car, a Hyundai, across the city, and armed officers captured Al Sino as he pulled up at his home in northfield, Birmingham.

He was found guilty of murder, attempted murder and possession of a knife following a threeweek trial. last week he was jailed for life and ordered to serve a minimum of 26 years after being sentenced at the same court.

Sentencing, Judge Simon drew KC said: ‘ i am satisfied that you must have intended to kill Mohammed when you were stabbing him.

‘You knew that you had seriously injured two men but you offered them no assistance and left the scene failing to contact emergency services. The whole ibrahim family, who came to this country to find sanctuary, have been severely affected by your actions on that day.’ in a statement Mr ibrahim’s daughter said that her father had been the victim of a ‘barbaric and brutal’ attack.

She added: ‘ He was a highly regarded dentist from the Kurdish community. He was a pillar of the community.

‘He was not only known for his profession but also for his generosity, kindness and wisdom to anybody who crossed his path.’

‘You intended to kill the victim’

 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Terrifying: Ahmad Al Sino holds up the knife, circled, in the vicious attack
Terrifying: Ahmad Al Sino holds up the knife, circled, in the vicious attack
 ?? ?? Loss: Mohammed and wife Nahla
Loss: Mohammed and wife Nahla

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