Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


■ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGEN­CE giants must put safety before profit (Mail Comment). To quote Buddy Holly, that’ll be the day.

PETE WILLIAMS, Hayes, middx.

■ MY MoD bosses wouldn’t allow me to work from home. I couldn’t get my Challenger II on the driveway.

TREVOR HOWARD, Wolverhamp­ton, W. mids.

■ THE only time churches are ever full is when Songs Of Praise is in town.

IAN HARRINGTON, axminster, devon.

■ FIONA the sheep’s rescue was wonderful news. Perhaps her wool could be used to make a few jumpers, to be auctioned for charity.

FRANZ VON HABSBURG, rottingdea­n, e. sussex.

■ PLEASE mister, can we have our Bazball back?

RON JOSLAND, strood, Kent.

■ ARE the revelation­s about an MP’s sex on a billiards table a lot of balls, a cue for action or a chance for someone to fill their pockets?

BILL BROUGH, teignmouth, devon.

■ IT SEEMS Nadine Dorries had plenty of time to write a book but not enough time to visit her constituen­ts.

MICHAEL BROWN, diss, norfolk.

■ WHY do young men grow beards? Laziness!

MRS PAT TYLER, Pembroke dock.

■ IF A story ends ‘and they all lived happily ever after’ (Answers to Correspond­ents), at least it puts the kibosh on any film sequels.

CLIVE GLADSTONE, cullercoat­s, tyne and Wear.

■ WHAT use is BBC local radio if it isn’t local?

ROSALIND HARRISON, catsfield, e. sussex.

■ SUELLA darling, slow down. The jails are full.

SAMUEL FAROOQ, london sW17.

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