Daily Mail

Boy, 14, on Alfie charge blows kiss to mum from dock

- By Chris Brooke

A BOY of 14 charged with murdering another teenager blew a kiss to his mother when he appeared in the dock yesterday.

The mother broke down in tears during the brief hearing at Leeds Magistrate­s’ Court and sat close to her schoolboy son, who is accused of murdering Alfie Lewis, 15, on Tuesday.

The alleged killer’s parents were allowed to sit immediatel­y in front of the secure glass dock.

Before District Judge Timothy Capstick entered the court, she continuall­y turned to chat to the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons.

Wearing grey tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt, and flanked by two dock officers, the youngster confirmed his name, age and date of birth. He is charged with murdering Alfie in Horsforth, Leeds, and being in possession of a knife.

Alfie was walking to meet his friends who were leaving their secondary school when he was fatally stabbed in the street.

He was treated at the scene and taken to hospital but could not be saved. Judge Capstick said that because of the seriousnes­s of the offences the defendant had to be sent to Leeds Crown Court, where he is set to appear today.

Addressing the youngster’s solicitor Natalie Banks, he asked: ‘ You are satisfied the parents understand what is going on today?’

Mrs Banks replied: ‘I am.’ The judge also confirmed with the teenager that he understood that he would next appear before the

‘She sobbed as she left court’

crown court. As he was taken away into custody, his mother made a wailing sound and began crying.

She was comforted by her husband, who led her from the court, holding her hand as she sobbed.

A bench close to where Alfie lived has been covered in floral tributes. On Wednesday evening, friends released balloons in his memory.

 ?? ?? Stab victim: Alfie Lewis, 15
Stab victim: Alfie Lewis, 15

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