Daily Mail

A safe, luxurious haven for Joyce

‘It’s like walking into my own little world’


MRS JOYCE BANKS (pictured) had an epiphany while enjoying the sunshine in her garden. Appreciati­ng her good health and fitness, the 91-year-old widow from Berkshire realised she was taking unnecessar­y risks simply by stepping in and out of her standard bath to shower.

‘I’m on minimal medication, I have no mobility aids and often walk a mile along the Thames to keep myself alert and active. But I was taking high risks climbing each day into my bath for a shower. ‘One slip and I could be on the floor — or even worse, banging my head on the nearby wall.

‘It suddenly seemed so silly and I knew it had to change before an accident possibly happened.’ An online search brought up the details of the Walk In Bath Company.

‘The team sent me a brochure and we arranged a home visit where they listened to my needs, measured the bathroom, drew a detailed design and showed me samples. I decided to place an order.’ Just five weeks later, Joyce’s upstairs bathroom was being remodelled into a safe, luxurious haven for her to enjoy.

The old bath was removed and a made-to-fit, walk-in, glass-screened Medway shower, vanity unit, wash basin and new mirror were installed.

‘I just can’t believe it’s the same bathroom,’ says Joyce. ‘It’s just like walking into my own little world and is everything I wanted.

‘I still have so much life to live and I want it to be the best it can be. My walk-in shower isn’t just an investment in my home, it’s an investment in my life. ‘With it, I feel safer, more confident and know I can continue enjoying my home for years and years to come. ‘And that’s something you can’t put a price on!’

 ?? ?? Safer: Joyce (inset above) with her new walk-in shower
Safer: Joyce (inset above) with her new walk-in shower
 ?? Pictures: WALK IN BATH CO ??

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