Daily Mail

Mother, 59, wins £1m NHS payout over faulty mesh implant ordeal

- By Claire Duffin

A WOMAN left unable to use a tampon or have sex after serious complicati­ons with a mesh implant has won a record £1million from the NHS.

Yvette greenway-Mansfield, 59, wife of human rights lawyer Michael Mansfield KC, had the device fitted when urinary incontinen­ce followed the birth of her second child.

But she started suffering severe pain and bleeding after the mesh started to erode into the vaginal wall.

Her successful negligence claim against University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshi­re NHS Trust found the surgery was premature and unnecessar­y.

The mother of two also found her consent form had been doctored after she had signed it. The mesh – a netlike material made of plastic that is meant to support pelvic muscles and organs – was a quick fix for urinary incontinen­ce and other gynaecolog­ical problems.

But it left thousands of women suffering crippling chronic pain, infections and nerve damage.

The mesh was given to an estimated 100,000 patients before the government agreed to pause its use in 2019 after the scandal was exposed by the Mail. The products should now be used as a last resort only.

Mrs greenway-Mansfield, of Leamington Spa, said the compensati­on was a huge relief but told The guardian: ‘There are thousands of “mes”. There should be a pot of money to provide damages for these women and a care plan in place as an automatic response to mesh-damaged people.

‘it comes down to a perception of women and women’s health problems.’

Mrs greenway-Mansfield was given the implant at the Coventry hospital in 2009 when she was 45.

A spokesman for the hospital trust said it had offered its sincerest apologies and hoped the settlement would meet Mrs greenway-Mansfield’s health needs.

Her 82-year- old husband is best known for representi­ng Stephen Lawrence’s family and the late Harrods boss Mohamed Fayed.

 ?? ?? Compensati­on: Yvette Greenway-Mansfield
Compensati­on: Yvette Greenway-Mansfield

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