Daily Mail

Should stores ditch self-service checkouts?


SO GLAD to read Iwan Stone’s article (Mail) that Booths supermarke­t has seen sense and done away with almost all the self-service checkouts that hardly anyone wants and are more trouble than they’re worth. Given that Marks & Spencer has made healthy profits lately, can it please employ more staff to man checkouts, as its self-service tills are a nightmare. If Booths start opening stores in the South, it will definitely get my custom and probably that of many others.

A. E. HAYWOOD, Newport, Monmouthsh­ire.

GOOD news that Booths is restoring proper checkouts. I’ve never understood why pound shops selling low-value goods can afford to field friendly checkout staff, yet the supermarke­ts selling higher-value stuff apparently can’t.

DAVID EDWARDS, Leighton Buzzard, Beds.

WHAT a shame there are no Booths stores down South. By getting rid of self-service checkouts, the firm is clearly happy to listen to what customers want. Can it open some stores south of the Humber?


Enfield, N. London.

MAY I put a word in defence of self-service checkouts? I shop at Tesco and since the hand-held scanners came into being, over time I have saved a great deal of money. I find that by using a scanner as well as my normal shopping list, I can keep a careful watch on what I spend and shop much more economical­ly. There are always friendly staff on hand if I need advice. I also waste less time, as I can get round faster and don’t have to queue for a till. I personally would be very sad if this system was discontinu­ed. Customers can still, if they so choose, use manned tills.

M. PURDON, stevenage, Herts.

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