Daily Mail

BBC inquiry is sent two new complaints about Russell Brand

- By Paul Revoir Media Editor

THE BBC has received two more complaints about Russell Brand, it was revealed yesterday.

Bosses at the corporatio­n issued an update on its review into his behaviour between 2006 and 2008 when he was presenting shows on BBC Radio 2 and BBC Radio 6 Music.

It was ordered following claims from four women that they were sexually assaulted by Brand between 2006 and 2013. The 48-year- old has denied the allegation­s. According to the BBC, it recorded five complaints against Brand, including two from people who raised complaints and concerns during the time he worked there and again after he left the corporatio­n.

Another individual made a separate complaint after Brand’s departure, and two more have come forward since the BBC launched its investigat­ion. The broadcaste­r’s statement from Peter Johnston, its director of editorial complaints, did not specify the nature of the latest allegation­s. But its news website reported that they are ‘understood to relate to his workplace conduct, and are not of a serious sexual nature’.

Mr Johnston said: ‘The nature of the complaints I am investigat­ing to date can broadly be categorise­d as complaints about alleged conduct related to Russell Brand’s BBC engagement­s.’

He said that the claims included ‘urinating in bottles in a BBC studio’, ‘alleged inappropri­ate use of BBC cars’ as well as ‘ further allegation­s of conduct in and around the studio falling below the standards expected of someone engaged by the BBC’.

The claims against Brand, published in September by

‘Allegation­s of sexual assault’

The Times and Sunday Times newspapers and in a Channel 4 documentar­y, include allegation­s that he sexually assaulted a woman during a relationsh­ip with him when she was 16. Another woman says Brand raped her in 2012.

Two police forces launched investigat­ions after the claims were published.

He has issued a statement saying his relationsh­ips were ‘always consensual’.

 ?? ?? Denials: Brand
Denials: Brand

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