Daily Mail

Take the long road to live your dreams


I’ve ALWAYS been a dreamer and, over the years, I’ve learned that dreams can indeed come true — you just have to give them time. Lots of time. In my teens in the early 1960s, I had a burning dream of turning profession­al and cycling in the Tour de France, but no matter how hard I trained, I was only ever average. Aged 17, fast becoming disillusio­ned about where my dreaming was leading me, I gave up cycling. Twenty years later, at a medical examinatio­n, it was discovered that my right leg had only 60 per cent of the strength of my left, which was put down to infantile polio. Hearing this for the first time, I immediatel­y resuscitat­ed my dream, albeit in somewhat amended form, and took up cycle racing again. My new understand­ing made coming last in nearly every race I entered feel like a win.

On long night shifts in my early 20s, I dreamt of blasting down the N85 Route Napoleon in my new e-type roadster on the way to our villa in Antibes. In 1980, I realised this dream — well, sort of — in an eightyear-old e-type roadster which broke down and had to be towed to our holiday rental, where I spent the remainder of the vacation repairing it. Following a three-year restoratio­n, this same car went on to win many Concours d’elegance awards during the early 1990s and, after being retired from the show circuit, was used for continenta­l touring. But, although I had a flirtation with an apartment in Cannes, I never could afford a villa in Antibes.

Fixing yet another damp patch in our first home, I dreamt of owning a decent house with a big garden. Now, aged 76, the big garden is a burden and I am dreaming of the day when I can downsize and put my feet up. ian S. Clark, Freuchie, Fife

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