Daily Mail

Highs and lows of Remembranc­e ceremony


I FEEL so sorry for the people of Scotland who had to witness Stephen Flynn, SNP representa­tive at the Cenotaph on Remembranc­e Sunday, utter not one word of the hymns or the National Anthem. Thousands were there to pay respect and grieve for their losses. When has he fought and laid his life on the line? Doesn’t Scotland have heroes and losses?

The Scottish people I’ve known are both proud and polite. Such childish petulance is not the least bit honourable, or admirable.

Jacky THOMPSON, leeds.

I was disgusted by stephen Flynn’s actions at the Cenotaph. Holding his wreath upside down, laying it the wrong way up and refusing to sing the National anthem in front of the King. who does he think he is? He was there to represent scotland and pay respect from all the scottish people for everyone who gave their life for us to live in our beautiful country. If he didn’t want to be there, he should have stayed at home. The quicker we get the SNP out of westminste­r, the better.

ANN WHITE, Newton Mearns, e. renfrewshi­re. ONE of the highlights of this year’s Remembranc­e Day parade on TV was to see Scotty’s Little Soldiers marching alongside the veterans. They are the children of members of the Armed Forces who have died in recent wars and in their yellow and black colours, they were outstandin­g. It was wonderful to think that, as the children of service personnel who gave their lives for their country, they haven’t been forgotten.

H. Woods, chilton, co durham. KINg CHarles was the only man at the Cenotaph who needed a damn good haircut. V. killick, london W4.

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