Daily Mail

The older empty nesters


WE’RE waiting longer to achieve life’s milestones like getting married or starting a family. First time buyers are in their mid 30s and rents are spiralling. Parents have long been primed for that bitterswee­t eventual moment when offspring leave home, but this last decade has seen a huge up-tick in adult children remaining living with Mum and Dad. This has resulted in the dreaded ‘empty nest syndrome’ hitting much later in life with a greater impact when they do finally leave. But there are ways to flourish during this unsettling time. Adjusting to a new way of living takes time so ensure you have plans in place. Enlist friends to help establish a new routine, such as lunch dates, exercise classes or theatre trips.

If you’re with a partner, why not concentrat­e on rekindling interests (maybe even passions!) that have taken a back seat over the years. Date nights and trips away can be back on the menu; a world of mini breaks and country pub lunches await. We’ve found the best antidote to that empty nest is a home makeover. A lick of paint and some new soft furnishing­s can do wonders for your mood. It’s also worth looking at your home in the long-term, future-proofing it for coming years, especially as we age. A Stiltz Homelift is just what is needed for added peace of mind, confidence, and continuing independen­ce. And when the children return for visits, full of stories about their new lives, you can reveal your new lifestyle addition. It’s not just a new beginning for them; it’s a whole new adventure for you too.

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Picture: STILTZ

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