Daily Mail

Outrage at the ‘eyesore’ Ikea f latpack homes

- By Rory Tingle and Yasmin Choudhury

Britain’s first flatpack ikea homes have been slammed by locals who claim they are ugly, invade neighbours’ privacy and are plagued by rats. the apartments, known as BoKlok on the Brook, in Bristol, are the first of their kind to be built outside of scandinavi­a.

But neighbours have complained the homes are ‘terrible’ and their lives have suffered as a result of the ‘eyesore’ project.

Building work began in 2020 and has been hit by numerous delays. nearby residents have complained

of noise pollution, dust and an increase in rats. retiree Frederick truckle, 71, said: ‘ i keep my hedges up because they can see in my garden. it’s disgusting.’

Charlotte Parry, 28, and Joel Collins, 31, moved into their £272,000 two-bedroom BoKlok house in January after a 13-month delay.

Ms Parry, a technician at Bath University, said: ‘We ended up staying in an airbnb for three months because we had nowhere else to go.’

Mr Collins, a software developer, added: ‘they’d say the move-in is right around the corner, then it would be a wait for three months and then another three months.’

they have noticed issues including loose screws, a wonky bath and a wrongly installed heat pump.

Ms Parry said: ‘it’s really dishearten­ing to go around the house and find little things that just aren’t right.’

a BoKlok spokesman said: ‘all homes have been delivered as per our planning consent. We appreciate that a housing scheme still under developmen­t from time to time may cause inconvenie­nce for existing residents and neighbours.

‘However, we are working with third-party contractor­s to complete all works required for the benefit of all residents as well as those who are moving in.’

 ?? ?? Controvers­ial: BoKlok on the Brook in Bristol
Controvers­ial: BoKlok on the Brook in Bristol
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