Daily Mail

Health risks of WFH in your PJs are real

- DR MAX Let NHS psychiatri­st Max Pemberton transform your life Follow me on X: @MaxPembert­on

SINCE the pandemic, working from home (WFH) has become quite normal. While many people have welcomed this, i’m convinced it’s hugely detrimenta­l to the nation’s mental health. i’ve been horrified by a number of patients who are still working from home and who tell me they spend most of their day lounging around, answering emails from their bed while watching box sets. Of course, they struggle to focus, get easily distracted and sometimes don’t even bother to brush their teeth till the evening.

It’s not hard to see how this is a disaster for mood and selfesteem, let alone productivi­ty at work. i’ve long suspected people keep their cameras off on Zoom calls, not because their connection is poor, but because they are either still in bed or sitting in their PJs.

It seems my suspicions are correct. A survey last week revealed that a whopping third of WFH employees admitted to wearing their pyjamas during working hours, with one in 12 wearing them every day.

Ok, i know lazing around in your nightwear once in a while feels like a luxury. But every day? Have some self-respect, people, and get dressed!

Presumably some of these slobs will have children, and i despair at the message this sends to the younger generation about an appropriat­e work ethic. Hardly a good example.

EMPLOYERS Constantly moan that young people simply don’t know how to dress or behave at work, and with role models like these parents, are we surprised?

Yes, i know that being a parent is tiring. yes, i know parents are under incredible amounts of stress and many feel overwhelme­d. But those parents who can’t be bothered even to pull on proper clothes before sitting down to their day’s work are showing their children that it’s OK to be an inveterate slob.

There’s a more fundamenta­l point here, too, about the link between how we present ourselves to the outside world and how we feel inside.

We all know wearing our smartest, most expensive clothes can make us stand taller — but it’s more complicate­d than that.

When people have no self- respect, their dress reflects this. you can tell so much about the state of someone’s mind by simply looking at them. Their clothes and their hair give away what’s going on inside. i remember my Auntie cis, who was always immaculate­ly turned out. Throughout my childhood, she’d put on lipstick and a twin set just to pay the milkman.

She always used to say ‘take pride in your appearance. if you don’t respect yourself, how can you expect others to?’

The day i turned up to visit and noticed a stain on her cardigan was the day i knew she wasn’t well. indeed, over the coming months, as her dementia progressed and she deteriorat­ed mentally, so too did her appearance. she stopped coordinati­ng her clothes.

She stopped wearing jewellery. little by little she let herself go, just as her mind went, too. Her unravellin­g was both external and internal and it was achingly sad to watch. since then i’ve seen similar things with my patients. in fact, an old professor i once worked for said the time to start worrying about your patients is when they stop doing their hair. it sounds glib, but in fact it isn’t: what’s happening on top of your head is a good indicator of what’s going on in it.

GPs have often referred patients to me with no tangible symptoms except that they’d noticed the patient had begun neglecting themselves. Dirty clothes, unbrushed hair: they are key signs that things aren’t as they should be.

BY THE same token, taking care of how you look lifts the mood. Once i even organised for a patient to have a haircut, to help tackle her depression, anxiety and reluctance to leave her house.

it worked a treat and in my follow- up clinic she told me she had gone out for the first time in a year just to show off her new hairdo.

How many frazzled, put-upon mums up and down the country look in the mirror each morning, take a deep breath, and slap on some make-up in order to face the day? everyone does it to a greater or lesser extent, and the point is, it works.

Taking care of yourself, brushing your hair and dressing up has a direct effect on how we feel. so get out of those PJs!

ONLY a fifth of NHS staff have had Covid and flu jabs, but it is easy to get one. In my trust, every site has a staff member able to give the jabs, so you have to go out of your way not to get them. Vaccinatio­ns protect patients. Is it time to insist all staff get jabbed as a condition of employment?

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