Daily Mail

A stairlift isn’t the last straw


SOME people are still under the impression that having a stairlift fitted in your home is the last straw.

Yet the reality is that it’s just another modern aid which helps you use the stairs more easily as you grow older — in the same way that a dishwasher or washing machine reduces effort in the home.

With so many people living longer, owning a stairlift prevents the need to move to one level — turning your home into a bungalow, in effect. There are no structural changes needed, as a stairlift is fitted to the staircase, not to the walls. And as most models are compact, with folding seats, arms and footrests, it means the stairs can continue being used as normal. Will a stairlift fit your stairs? The answer is usually yes — and a reputable company will not charge for a survey to determine feasibilit­y.

The width of the stairs and weight and height of the user are the main considerat­ions. Some companies will only fit with a minimum 700mm width, but others, such as Stayhome Stairlifts, can fit from 660mm. So don’t be put off if one company says no.

Obtain two or three quotes. And do not, under any circumstan­ces let yourself be persuaded on the day. Red flags include the offer of manager’s specials and last-minute cancellati­on deals if you sign right away. Instead, allow companies to leave their quotes and go — and then sit down and decide which is best for you, looking at such factors as choice, warranties and an ethical, customer-focused approach. The vast majority of those who install a new, refurbishe­d or rental stairlift find it a major asset that makes their lives that much better and boosts their independen­ce.


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