Daily Mail

Judy Murray serves up her backing for JK in trans storm

- By Emily Jane Davies

JUDY Murray has backed JK Rowling in a row over Scotland’s hate crime laws after the Harry Potter author warned against ‘dismantlin­g’ women’s rights.

Ms Rowling, who has led a backlash against the SNP’s legislatio­n, expanded on her trans views in a 709-word online essay.

She wrote that ‘ being female is indeed defined by our biology, it’s one material fact about us’.

Mrs Murray, mother of tennis star Sir Andy, replied approvingl­y online – using only the word ‘preach’.

Her post was celebrated by gender-critical feminists and women’s rights campaigner­s.

The 64-year- old has spoken out before on allowing trans athletes to compete in women’s events. Ms

‘Rights of girls are more important’

Rowling had said in her post she felt nothing but sympathy for those who have gender dysphoria but added: ‘I do not, however, believe that surgeries and cross- sex hormones literally turn a person into the opposite sex, nor do I believe in the idea that each of us has a nebulous “gender identity” that may or might not match our sexed bodies.

‘I am strongly against women’s and girls’ rights and protection­s being dismantled to accommodat­e trans-identified men.’

And she concluded: ‘I think the safety and rights of girls and women are more important than those men’s desire for validation.’

Ms Rowling had challenged police to arrest her under Scotland’s new hate crime laws when she posted about high-profile trans women, calling them men. Officers found no offence was committed. Scottish first minister Humza Yousaf insists the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act does not hamper free speech, even accusing Ms Rowling of ‘peddling misinforma­tion’.

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