Daily Mail

Bravo, Birbalsing­h


What an uplifting message for the whole of the UK to hear that head teacher Katharine Birbalsing­h has won a landmark court ruling which upheld the prayer ban in Michaela Community School, North London, after a Muslim pupil claimed it was discrimina­tory.

her no-nonsense approach has brought back the true values of traditiona­l teaching and common sense.

Birbalsing­h’s ‘if you don’t like our teaching methods, send your kids elsewhere’ message is spot on.

head teachers and parents across the UK, along with dithering politician­s, can learn a lot from this awesome lady.

Paul mackIntoSH, darlington. IN the face of much intimidati­on Katharine Birbalsing­h stuck to what she knew was right. No wonder her school is over-subscribed. I’d certainly want my grandchild­ren to go there if they lived nearby.

S.o.n., Wisbech, cambs. For once, common sense has prevailed in our courts. If the ruling had gone the other way, presumably that would mean every school would have to follow suit and provide a special room for prayers.

Further, if one particular group has a special place, then logic dictates that rooms must be provided for all ‘groups’, be they religious, cultural or (these days no doubt) gender-based.

the conclusion would be that the school population would be totally divided, and what a disaster that would be.

Far better, as at the Michaela school, that all pupils are treated as one, difference­s are celebrated and pupils learn tolerance, compassion and a cooperativ­e approach to life.

Way to go, Katharine Birbalsing­h, your statement (Mail) was immensely powerful and shows just how society should be; required reading, I would hope, for the authoritie­s and Brussels mayor emir Kir.

cate Scott, Hornsea, e yorks.

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