Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Troubled son believes world is about to end


Dear Coleen

My son is 38 and the eldest of my six children. He was a very responsibl­e and mature child, but suffered a lot of trauma between 18 and 23 years of age and that changed him.

He had a long-term alcohol problem and attempted suicide several times. However, the past few months have been the most troubling.

He has given up drinking altogether and started working out. Sounds promising, right? Well, he has also started obsessivel­y reading the bible and is telling me, my other son and his own 16-year-old son that our way of life is damaging and we won’t be ‘saved’. He reduced my 88-year-old mother-in-law to tears by telling her that her husband is in hell because he followed Catholicis­m.

He’s only eating mackerel and has started buying food and supplies in bulk because “the end is near”. He gave up work and sold his television because “nothing matters”.

I’m beside myself with worry and think he’s completely lost his mind. He also apparently told my son that he has “stopped seeing the demons now”.

Do you think he has a serious mental health issue such as schizophre­nia? Will I be able to get him sectioned?

Coleen says

It sounds as if he may have swapped one addiction for another. I know a lot of people who have been addicted to drugs or alcohol who then go on to find religion because they need something equally strong to live by to help them stay clean and sober. However, it’s not to this level.

Only a medical profession­al can assess whether your son has schizophre­nia or another mental health issue. You could try talking to him calmly and suggesting it might be a good idea to see his doctor because you’re worried he’s becoming fixated on certain things. He’s clearly been a danger to himself in the past, attempting suicide, but you don’t say whether he’s tried it recently or if you think he could harm anyone else.

In order to be sectioned – detained in hospital for assessment and treatment without his consent under the Mental Health Act – he needs to be considered a serious risk to himself or to others.

I’d suggest speaking to your family doctor in the first instance and explaining your concerns. I’d also get in touch with mental health charity MIND, which has excellent informatio­n and advice (mind.org.uk).

In the meantime, try to open up a dialogue with your son and explain why you’re worried about him, and reassure him that you’re there to support him.

Emphasise how proud you are that he managed to give up alcohol, which is a very hard thing to do.

But also help him to understand that it’s not acceptable to upset other people by forcing his new values on those who don’t feel the way he does.

 ??  ?? He gave up his job and now only eats mackerel
He gave up his job and now only eats mackerel

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