Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Let battle commence

Pick of the day


HARDCORE fans will have already seen this belter of an opener before they read this – it premiered at two o’clock this morning!

But for the more laidback masses, you will have to wait until tonight to catch up.

We’ve all been eagerly awaiting series seven of this blockbuste­r fantasy drama, desperate for the next instalment of the great battle for the Iron Throne. And anything could happen. Jon Snow (Kit Harington) has already come back from the dead to defeat the dreaded Ramsay Bolton. He’s now the King in the North so we have hope. Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) set sail for Westeros with a huge armada. She’s ruthlessly ambitious (and has dragons for pets), but can she win the fight ahead?

Meanwhile, everyone will be keeping one eye firmly on Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey), now Queen on the Iron Throne in King’s Landing and, to be fair, a nasty piece of work.

And let’s not forget The Night King (Vladimir Furdik), the leader of the White Walkers, who’s guaranteed to give you nightmares with a face that looks like a mash-up of Freddy Krueger and Voldemort.

While most details have been kept under lock and key – they’ve even filmed fake scenes – producers have sneaked us a few hints. We know that tonight sees Jon organise the defence of the North, while Cersei tries to even the odds and Daenerys comes home. Otherwise we only have the tense trailer, which booms: “Summer has nothing on winter. Tonight, experience winter all night long.”

It’ll be epic.

 ??  ?? KING OF THE NORTH Jon Snow
 ??  ?? ENTER THE DRAGONS Daenerys comes home
ENTER THE DRAGONS Daenerys comes home

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