Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

War grave experts join Grenfell Tower search


WAR graves experts have been called in to comb debris from Grenfell Tower in a lastditch bid to identify victims.

As investigat­ors admit the true number who died is never likely to be known, a source close to the work said: “It’s extremely delicate and difficult – the conditions in the upper floors are shocking.

“Investigat­ors with experience of dealing with mass war graves have been drafted in to help.

“Officers have come to terms with the fact they will never be able to put an exact figure on the number of people who died.”

The experts will use their specialist knowledge to help identify any human remains. On Friday Dr Fiona Wilcox, the coroner in charge of the Grenfell inquests, said identifica­tions were becoming “increasing­ly difficult”.

Emma Dent Coad, Labour MP for Kensington, said the council’s response to the tragedy was proving a “daily disaster”.

She said some victims had been left “begging for money” because they had still had no emergency cash from the Government eight weeks after the blaze.

Among other problems flagged up by the MP were a creche at a council help centre whose volunteers had not had police checks.

She said: “It’s still happening every day, this crisis. The fire died out but the disaster is ongoing.”

 ??  ?? TOWER Search still goes on
TOWER Search still goes on

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