Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Old rage pensioners

Drunk naked OAP & wife threaten to kill hotel staff in 2am rampage


A NAKED pensioner and his wife forced hotel staff to flee in terror after going on a drunken rampage.

Retired chartered surveyor Robert Fergus, 72, ran amok with a pair of scissors in reception.

His nightie-wearing wife Ruth, 69, threatened to shoot staff.

A glass door was smashed and phone cables slashed in the wrecking spree, a court heard.

Staff were so scared they fled two miles on foot to the safety of the nearest village. The incident began when the couple banged on guest rooms at 1.45am and continued in the lobby of the Loch Rannoch Hotel, Perthshire.

Fergus, stark naked and wielding the scissors, screamed abuse at staff, saying: “I’m going to slit you and kill you,” Perth sheriff court was told.

His wife shouted: “I’m going to get a gun and shoot you.”

The couple, from Troon, South Ayrshire, drove off in their £65,000 BMW and flagged down police to complain that staff had threatened them. Fergus was found to be twice the drink-drive limit and CCTV at the hotel later revealed the truth.

Solicitor Ewan Cameron said: “His memory is hazy because of the sizeable amount of alcohol he had consumed.”

The couple were fined £4,000 between them and ordered to pay £800 compensati­on after admitting threatenin­g behaviour and causing damage. Fergus was banned from driving for a year.

 ??  ?? SCARE Robert & Ruth Fergus
SCARE Robert & Ruth Fergus

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