Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Life-ban stalker back harassing Keira Knightley


A STALKER who was banned for life from contacting Keira Knightley started sending her menacing tweets again, including indecent images of a child.

Mark Revill, 50, was given a suspended eight-week sentence and the restrainin­g order in December. After breaching it he faces custody in jail or hospital.

Last year Revill bombarded the Pirates of the Caribbean actress, 32, with cat postcards and miaowing through the letterbox at her £3.9million home.

Then just weeks after he was sentenced he sent the star a series of tweets, a court was told. One said: “My campaign of disobedien­ce continues.”

He also said that Keira and her husband James Righton, 34, the ex-klaxons singer, would “not get much help from the police”.

Revill was arrested and his ipad seized. Officers found indecent images of children and evidence he had sent the offending tweets.

Prosecutor Jennifer Knight told the court an image the couple were sent of a youngster gave them “particular anxiety bearing in mind they have a young child”.

At Blackfriar­s crown court Revill admitted breaching his restrainin­g order by sending Ms Knightley and Mr Righton tweets between January and April, and sending menacing messages. Revill, of Hackney, East London, also pleaded guilty to producing and distributi­ng indecent photograph­s of children.

Judge Rajeev Shetty adjourned sentencing for a psychiatri­c report on Revill. He told the court: “I make no indication on what the sentencing will be, it could well be a hospital order or could well be a term of imprisonme­nt.”

Revill was remanded in custody until September 22.

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