Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Time to take aim at US gun scourge


Every single time I go through airport security, which is quite a lot, I curse the name Richard Colvin Reid. It may not instantly ring a bell with you but one stupid action on his part affected all our lives for the foreseeabl­e future.

See, Richard Colvin Reid was a British man who gained the nickname The Shoe Bomber, due to the fact that on American Airlines Flight 63 from Paris to Miami on December 22, 2001, he tried, thankfully in vain, to detonate explosives he had packed in his shoe, in an attempt to kill everyone on board said flight, including himself.

He is the reason we all now take our shoes off going through airport security – he’s the reason why I make sure I’m wearing a decent pair of socks, no holes, or odd, etc.

You gotta feel for airport security staff having to deal with thousands of sweaty shoes per day, no one asks for that.

Give them a smile next time you go past. One stupid but potentiall­y deadly incident and security in airports changed overnight. Don’t get me wrong, I can absolutely see the point of it to an extent. And I think it should be applied in other potentiall­y dangerous scenarios, but isn’t.

Let me give an adverse example. In 1996 in Port Arthur, Australia, 35 people were killed and 23 injured wounded when a gunman (I won’t name him, we shouldn’t remember the names of these bozos who carry out such things, that’s what they want. Let history forget them and their deeds. They don’t deserve remembranc­e) opened fire on shop keepers and tourists with two semi-automatic weapons.

The massacre horrified the Australian public and subsequent­ly gun laws were instantly reviewed and tightened in terms of access to the purchase and ownership of weapons.

The National Firearms Agreement, which banned automatic, semi- automatic and pump-action shotguns, was passed.

There has not been a mass shooting in Australia since it was passed. Irrefutabl­e proof that such strict laws on firearms actually works. n light of events in Las Vegas last week, you would think that America would maybe think about following Australia’s lead and attempting a ban on the sale and ownership of such weapons.

INot so far. Last week, however, Australia had an illegal gun amnesty, a chance for people illegally owning guns on the banned list, to hand them in to their local police station without fear of prosecutio­n. Around 51,000 guns were handed in.

Think how big a step that was. How successful it continues to be. There are those mouth-breathing knuckledra­gging National Rifle Associatio­n members who trot out that old “Guns don’t kill people, people do” line, a soundbite get-out clause for the sort of paranoid, delusional, intellectu­ally-challenged redneck who thinks that by hoarding guns and ammunition, he is somehow being more American than a fellow American who doesn’t fantasise about killing anyone.

They are the impotent Don Quixotes of America, constantly fighting the windmills of imagined threat and terror, but really would love a day of reckoning when they have to fight off a hoard of (ideally unarmed) people who want to steal their trailer and their Ted Nugent records. hat Vegas gunman (who also will remain nameless) had more than 40 customised weapons (easy to do in the US) How in the world is ANYONE allowed to own over 40 guns?

Considerin­g how many mass shootings there are per year, you’d think a stricter gun law would be a good thing. You’d be right.

But those in power in the US would probably think of a good few reasons why it wouldn’t work, Second Amendment, American way, liberty, blah blah, yadda, yadda, prattling on like a psychotic Yosemite Sam.

But it isn’t about that. It’s about money. Filthy lucre. It is literally putting a price on lives.

See how many were armed by the States in the first place.

If guns were banned or severely restricted ownership was imposed, a lot of Donald’s pals would lose a lot of money, this wouldn’t make them happy and Donald wouldn’t be happy. And so it goes.

For a young country, its history is violent and bloody and guns have been normalised and the result is news like last week.

For further reading/listening/ viewing I suggest you check out the 10-minute monologue by TV host and Las Vegas native Jimmy Kimmell. It’s online. And it’s on the money.


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 ??  ?? LOADED ARGUMENT Australia saw decrease in gun deaths after ban
LOADED ARGUMENT Australia saw decrease in gun deaths after ban
 ??  ?? TERROR BID Richard Reid
TERROR BID Richard Reid

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