Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Scared to leave husband who keeps having affairs


Dear Coleen

I have been married to my husband for 24 years and we’ve been happy for most of that time. After we were married only a year, I found out I was expecting our first child.

We were happy about it, but halfway through the pregnancy he began acting strangely and I found out he was having an affair with a girl he worked with.

We discussed it and he said he was just daunted by the thought of being a parent. We got through this very difficult time and four years later went on to have another child.

We had a happy few years after this until he got to 39 and, again, his actions became very suspicious. I confronted him, but with no evidence he denied an affair and changed back to the husband I knew and loved. Although hurt, I tried to move on and put it down to him approachin­g 40 and having a midlife crisis.

Deep down, I didn’t believe it, though, and I became friendly with a guy from work, probably to get my own back. We didn’t have an affair, though – we just texted each other. But my husband saw a text one day and confronted me. I was glad he’d found the message because I wanted him to feel how he’d made me feel.

Two years ago, I became suspicious again and I know he had another affair. I even found condoms, but again he refuses to admit it or discuss it and I end up apologisin­g for accusing him.

But I can’t move on this time – I can’t sleep and I’m just pretending everything is OK. I’m scared to leave him as it’s so complicate­d.

What’s your advice?

Coleen says

I understand that fear, but I don’t think you’re frightened of losing him; I think you’re afraid of being on your own and starting again. That feeling shocked me the most when my first marriage broke down. I couldn’t explain it to anyone, but it was very strong.

I’ve also been in the same boat as you – the one where your partner won’t admit an affair and you end up feeling guilty and like you’re going mad. But I think you should trust your gut instinct – it’s usually right.

If you want to give the marriage one last go, then I think the only hope is counsellin­g. If he doesn’t want to go, then go on your own.

It changed my life when my first marriage was breaking down. I stuck with it and six months down the line, I had a light bulb moment and realised I was OK and that I could be on my own.

And stop making excuses for your husband. We all go through challengin­g times in life, but we don’t all go out and have affairs.

 ??  ?? I can’t sleep and I’m pretending everything is OK
I can’t sleep and I’m pretending everything is OK
 ??  ??

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