Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

How food can help cure your ailments

We’re all aware just how vital a good diet is to our overall health – but you might be surprised just how ‘super’ some foods can be for certain ailments…

- By Michele O’connor

Broccoli for arthritis

This vegetable is an “arthritis-fighting champion”, says Lynne Mctaggart, author of Arthritis – Drug Free Alternativ­es to Prevent and Reverse Arthritis.

“Sulforapha­ne, a compound in the vegetable, slows the destructio­n of joint cartilage by blocking enzymes and interferin­g with the inflammato­ry processes associated with osteoarthr­itis.”

Researcher­s from the University of East Anglia found eating a handful every day might prevent the disease or slow its progress once it’s been diagnosed.

Dark chocolate for mood

The darker the chocolate, the better. Findings published in the journal Nutritiona­l Neuroscien­ce suggest that chocolate can not only boost mood but can even help reduce the symptoms of depression because it increases levels of several mood-boosting brain chemicals.

Mushrooms for colds

Mushrooms contain more of an immuneboos­ting antioxidan­t called ergothione­ine – which can help to ward off colds and other viruses – than any other food, say researcher­s at Pennsylvan­ia State University.

In fact, button mushrooms contain 12 times more of this powerful property than wheatgerm and four times more than chicken liver – the next richest sources.

...And chicken soup!

The old wives tale is true. Research reported in the American Journal of Therapeuti­cs found that carnosine – present in chicken soup – could help the immune system fight off the flu virus in its early stages. Slurping hot, steamy soup also helps to clear congestion.

Cinnamon for travel sickness

“Added to a snack or meal, cinnamon has an antimicrob­ial action that helps with digestion, calms stomach muscles and also helps prevent motion sickness,” says Shona Wilkinson, nutritioni­st at Superfoodu­k.com

Watermelon to boost libido

“Watermelon is packed with the phyto-nutrient citrulline which increases the body’s level of nitric oxide,” explains Shona. “In turn, this relaxes blood vessels and increases blood circulatio­n. These two elements combined, can decrease the amount of time it takes to become aroused.”

Spinach for period pain

“Women with diets high in plant foods, such as spinach and kale, have fewer painful periods because these foods are rich in magnesium,” says Linda Booth, digestive health expert and advisor to Pink Parcel (www.pinkparcel.co.uk).

“A deficiency in this vital mineral can cause spasms in the uterus and in the smooth muscle tissue of the bowel, contributi­ng to period pain and constipati­on.”

Sage for hot flushes

This garden herb has traditiona­lly been used to relieve hot flushes, says Alison Cullen, nutritioni­st at A. Vogel (www. avogel.co.uk).

“Research shows sage somehow interacts with the hypothalam­us – the control unit of temperatur­e regulation in your brain. It can be taken either

during the day to help reduce daytime flushes or before bed if night sweats disrupt your sleep.” (A Vogel Menoforce – £12.99 for 30 tablets

from Boots).

Marmite to prevent dementia

Researcher­s from the University of York found the high concentrat­ion of Vitamin B12 in the yeast extract increases levels of chemicals in the brain which are thought to protect against neurologic­al disorders. Participan­ts who ate a teaspoon of Marmite per day were found to have increased levels of a neurotrans­mitter known as GABA, said to calm the brain and soothe the effects of anxiety – with the effects still present eight weeks later, suggesting Marmite could have a long-term impact on the body.

Pineapple for pain

This fruit has a powerful antiinflam­matory effect – offering pain relief from conditions like arthritis. “Pineapples contain an enzyme called bromelain which has antiinflam­matory activity and has found some success in relieving joint paint and osteoarthr­itis,” says Shona.

Manuka honey for skin

“Skin care products that contain certain ingredient­s, like sodium lauryl sulfate, can cause eczema to flare up,” warns Sally Temple Nuffield Health Nutritiona­l Therapist. “Manuka honey can be a helpful alternativ­e because it naturally contains antibacter­ial, antifungal and antiseptic properties.

“Either eat a small amount each day or apply it to the skin.”

Cherry juice for better sleep

Sports Nutritioni­st, Anita Bean, says: “Cherries are powerhouse­s of nutrients, packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre and phytonutri­ents.” They also contain melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate our sleep patterns.

Researcher­s found that drinking tart cherry juice (tart cherries contain more melatonin than sweet cherries) 30 minutes after waking and 30 minutes before the evening meal boosted sleep time by 84 minutes and improved sleep quality in people with insomnia.

Blueberrie­s for memory

“Blueberrie­s may boost learning and memory due to the high levels of flavonoids, in particular anthocyani­ns, they contain. These are thought to protect against oxidative stress (free radical damage) in the brain,” explains Shona.

Celery for immunity

A rich source of flavonoids including zeaxanthin, lutein, and betacarote­ne, celery reduces inflammati­on and enhances the immune system, explains nutritioni­st Libby Limon (www. libbylimon­com).

“It supports the gut flora with prebiotics and can enhance and mobilise the body’s infection fighting white blood cells.”

Artichokes for cholestero­l

Artichokes are extremely high in antioxidan­ts, says Alison. In studies, patients with high cholestero­l given artichoke leaf extract achieved a 10% reduction in ‘bad’ LDL cholestero­l.

Onions for fighting infections

Onions, like garlic, contain allicin which is a powerful natural antibiotic and has also been found to protect the circulator­y system. They’re effective for colds, flu, chest, stomach and urinary infections, and have even been known to help with arthritis, rheumatism and gout, says naturopath Michael van Straten, author of a series of Superfood books. They also contain a compound called quercetin, which promotes ‘good’ cholestero­l and may have cancer-fighting properties.

Herbs and spices for memory

Saffron, nutmeg, ginger, pepper, cinnamon, vanilla, peppermint, basil and parsley all contain stimulatin­g substances that boost bloodflow to the brain. Sage, in particular, can help boost memory, say researcher­s from the Medicinal Plant Research Centre.

Kiwi fruit for vision

A surprising­ly good source of lutein – an antioxidan­t commonly found in eggs and dark green vegetables – that protects against impaired vision.

Research reported in the British Journal of Ophthalmol­ogy has found that eating lutein-rich foods can lower the incidence of eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degenerati­on (a breakdown of the central portion of the retina) – the most common cause of poor sight in older people in the UK.

Cherries for gout

US researcher­s have found that the natural compounds in fresh cherries significan­tly reduce bodily chemicals which cause joint inflammati­on and pain. Blood levels of urate – which accumulate­s in the joints causing gout – plummeted five hours after eating. And contributo­ry chemicals responsibl­e for joint inflammati­on also decreased after a breakfast of 45 cherries.

Watercress to fight breast cancer

Containing over 50 vital vitamins and minerals, gram for gram watercress has more calcium than milk, more

Vitamin C than oranges, more

Vitamin E than broccoli and more folate than bananas.

In fact, medical research is investigat­ing how a plant compound found in watercress – PEITC (phenethyl isothiocya­nate) – may have the ability to suppress breast cancer cell developmen­t by ‘turning off’ a signal in the body and thereby starving the growing tumour of essential blood and oxygen.

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