Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)


Clashes on the streets over Jerusalem decision Leader demands an uprising to strike back

- BY CHRIS HUGHES Defence and Security Editor c.hughes@mirror.co.uk

DONALD Trump has been accused of setting the Middle East ablaze after his incendiary decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital sparked widespread violence and provoked calls for an uprising.

At least 31 people were wounded by Israeli army gunfire and rubber bullets yesterday as thousands of Palestinia­n protesters took to the streets in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Gaza-based terror group Hamas warned that the US President’s move would “open the gates of hell” in the region.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh demanded an uprising to be launched today. He told followers that Trump’s decision was an “aggression on our people and a war on our sanctuarie­s”.

Yesterday rocket sirens sounded in Israel, indicating missiles had been fired into the Jewish state from the Gaza Strip.

Clashes began at noon with tear gas and sponge-tipped plastic bullets being fired by Israeli soldiers into crowds of Palestinia­ns in the West Bank city of Ramallah. In total during the various demonstrat­ions, a minimum of 11 protesters were hit by live fire and at least 20 more by rubber bullets.

In the West Bank cities of Hebron and Al-bireh, thousands chanted: “Jerusalem is the capital of the state of Palestine.”

In Gaza, where protesters threw rocks at soldiers, at least one Palestinia­n was left in a critical condition after being shot.

Demonstrat­ors also burned tyres throughout the day. Among the sites where Israeli police and Palestinia­ns clashed was near to Damascus Gate, a main entrance to Jerusalem’s Old City. Trump’s announceme­nt over the disputed city sparked protests across the region including in Turkey and Iraq.

Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Trump had thrown the Middle East into a “ring of fire”. Iran warned Trump’s announceme­nt would “provoke” Muslims.

Thousands died in previous Palestinia­n uprisings. The last time there was full-scale war between Israel and Gaza’s militants was 2014.

It is thought to have cost the lives of around 70 Israelis and more than 2,200 Palestinia­ns.

World leaders say Trump – who has also begun the process of moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv – has endangered

the prospect of peace between Israelis and Palestinia­ns. Theresa May said she “disagreed” with Trump’s moves “before a final status agreement”. She added she plans to talk to the President about his “unhelpful” actions.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: “Trump’s recognitio­n of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, including occupied Palestinia­n territory, is a reckless threat to peace.”

Jews, Muslims and Christians all lay a claim to the holy city.

Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry said in the Commons: “Donald Trump is not crying ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre – he is deliberate­ly setting fire to the theatre. Then he has the unbelievab­le cheek to claim he’s doing this to move forward the peace process when in reality he is setting it back decades.”

Ms Thornberry added that Trump’s decision “confers legitimacy on Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem” that has “no basis in internatio­nal law”.

She called on Mrs May’s government to end the “totally wrong” approach of appeasing the US President. Ms Thornberry told MPS: “They told us that holding his hand and hugging him close, indulging him with the offer of a state visit, was the best way of wielding influence and shaping his policies.

“But on Jerusalem, as on so many other issues before, they have been made to look like fools – weak, ignored and entirely without influence.

“When will they realise bending over for a bully only encourages that behaviour, when what our country needs and... the world needs is a British Government prepared to stand up to him?”

Foreign Minister Alistair Burt said the role of the US as a broker in the Middle East would have been affected by Trump’s announceme­nt.

He added: “Our position remains clear – the settlement­s are illegal.”

Terror network al-qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula warned: “In the face of these serious events, we stand by our people in Palestine and support them with all we possess.”

And the Ansar Ghazwat-ul-hind terror group, which is linked to al-qaeda, urged Muslims around the world to attack US and Israeli embassies and companies.

When will they realise bending over for a bully only encourages that behaviour? EMILY THORNBERRY CONDEMNS GOVERNMENT FOR APPEASING TRUMP

 ??  ?? FLAMES Blazing tyres in West Bank ARREST Protester is led away in Hebron BITTER FIGHT Israeli police scuffle with a Palestinia­n
FLAMES Blazing tyres in West Bank ARREST Protester is led away in Hebron BITTER FIGHT Israeli police scuffle with a Palestinia­n
 ??  ?? GUN Near Old City yesterday CHAOS Tear gas amid demo
GUN Near Old City yesterday CHAOS Tear gas amid demo
 ??  ?? SLATED President Trump
SLATED President Trump

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