Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)


He ‘may have drifted off before crash’


THE driver of a tram which derailed killing seven people is likely to have drifted into a “microsleep” before the crash, the accident report claims.

Alfred Dorris, 43, is thought to have nodded off during a 49-second period as he passed through a tunnel at 48mph, well over the 13mph speed limit.

He had cornered the same tight bend in Croydon, South London, some 693 times, and there were no other factors to distract him, the Rail Accident Investigat­ion Branch found.

Richard Harrington, lead inspector, said: “[Microsleep­s] are brief, short periods of time and people might not even know they’ve been asleep.”

RAIB said Mr Dorris braked to 45mph when his “temporary loss of awareness” ended, but it was too late. Along with the fatalities, including Donald Collett, 61 passengers were injured, 19 seriously, on November 9, 2016.

The probe found nine other incidents on the same track had not been reported to Tram Operations Ltd, as drivers feared being punished for mistakes. TOL said it had “unwavering commitment to passenger safety”, adding: “We have procedures in place for driver support,.”

Mr Dorris was arrested by British Transport Police on suspicion of manslaught­er after the accident and bailed.

Yesterday police said they were preparing a report for the Crown Prosecutio­n Service.

 ??  ?? Report shows a picture from inside the overturned carriage for first time. Rails can be seen through broken windows Donald Collett, 62, died
Report shows a picture from inside the overturned carriage for first time. Rails can be seen through broken windows Donald Collett, 62, died

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