Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

WHAT WE’RE ALL SAYING FIONA PARKER Time for a call to arms on gun law THE ISSUE

In the wake of last week’s Florida school massacre, where gunman Nikolas Cruz, 19, killed 17 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Donald Trump has ordered a ban on ‘bump stocks’ that turn firearms into rapid-fire machine guns. You say...


I FIND it difficult to understand the position of many Americans in relation to owning guns. I realise most people in the US don’t want guns banned, but what they do want are background and mental health checks. Why would you not want that? How can someone with a police record for violence be allowed to buy a gun?

I also understand Americans saying they need one for protection, although it just means more guns on the street.

I don’t have the answer to the problem of gun violence in the US, but I think it must start with making automatic rifles unavailabl­e.

Peter Chapman, Chorley, Lancs

I used to think America should outlaw guns, but now appreciate just how impossible that would be. Millions own them and they are available to buy with very little effort. There is no answer and groups like the National Rifle Associatio­n continue to promote the growth in gun ownership and oppose checks to stop sociopaths and other mentally ill individual­s from buying guns and committing atrocities. I applaud those who are trying to introduce controls but I’m afraid, over there, the lunatics really have taken over the asylum.

Terry Marriott Waterloovi­lle, Hants

The NRA defends the right to bear arms on the grounds that it is not guns that kill people, but people who kill people. Assuming the guns are for self-defence, rather than for maiming or killing, if you’re armed, it’s more likely your assailant will be armed, too, so I don’t see how having a gun is protection at all.

It’s precisely for this reason that resistance to arming British police is so strong. Britain has among the lowest gun crime figures in the world. It also has the most stringent firearms legislatio­n.

Trevor Rigg, Edinburgh Americans fighting for more stringent gun control legislatio­n have a battle on their hands. The powerful gun lobby knows it is safe while Trump is in the White House. His latest move to outlaw ‘bump stocks’ is a token gesture.

My fear is that a lot more people will die before the US government takes action to stop maniacs running amok with weapons.

R O’keefe via email Trump’s pathetic response to the latest horror shootings at a school in Florida makes me wonder why the American people put up with him. His focus on mental health, rather than how easy it is to own a gun, was disgracefu­l. It’s well past time Americans stood up to the gun lobby and made it more difficult to buy them, otherwise this terrible tragedy will not be the last.

Mick Streets, Chesterfie­ld, Derbys

In light of the latest gun massacre, when will Trump stop hiding behind the right of Americans to bear arms? This law was enacted when automatic weapons didn’t exist. Trump should stand up and be counted and ban these weapons. Or is he frightened of the gun lobby?

Barry Hampson, Wigan Gtr Manchester

America will never give up its gun obsession, no matter how many innocent lives are lost. The best we can hope for is tough background checks on those who own them.

J Palmer, Hove East Sussex

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CHARITABLE Cheryl Tweedy

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