Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

Red Arrow ace dies in fireball jet crash

RAF engineer killed as pilot ejects safely


A MEMBER of the Red Arrows team was killed yesterday when the jet he was in crashed.

The Hawk two-seater’s engineer died but the pilot survived after ejecting seconds before it blew up.

Witnesses told how the aircraft, Red Three, nosedived at RAF Valley in Anglesey, North Wales, at about 1.30pm.

Peter Glover, 66, said he thought he spotted the engineer eject after the pilot – but saw only one survivor.

He told the Daily Mirror: “It started to head towards the runway. The pilot banked left, then went up a bit into the air and then it just dived straight down.

“It was one hell of a bang. It shook the ground. I saw one eject. He was shot out sideways. The parachute opened about 200 feet up and he landed 200 yards from the plane.

“I also saw something that looked liked it could have been an ejection seat but I didn’t see a second chute.”

He added: “It all happened in a gutwrenchi­ng few seconds. The jet didn’t sound as powerful as the other planes when it took off but I don’t know if that’s the way they fly them.”

Student Sian Williams, 18, of nearby Rhosneigr, said: “It did a loop and flew towards the runway and looked like it was about to land.

“I saw the parachute open and then the plane hit the runway with a bang. It just burned bright orange and there was smoke everywhere.”

The pilot, believed to be Geneva-born David Stark, 35, was receiving treatment last night.

The two flyers had been about to head back to the display team’s base at RAF Scampton, Lincs, after routine training.

A military source said a bird strike was a possible cause being investigat­ed.

Last night RAF Valley’s commander, Group Captain Nick Tucker-lowe, said: “It’s with great sadness that the RAF can confirm the death of an engineer.”

Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said: “Our thoughts and prayers are with family, friends and colleagues of the RAF engineer at this incredibly sad time.”

 ??  ?? DISPLAY TEAM Jet before crash PALL OF SMOKE Aftermath of crash
DISPLAY TEAM Jet before crash PALL OF SMOKE Aftermath of crash
 ??  ?? WRECKAGE Burnt out fuselage on the runway
WRECKAGE Burnt out fuselage on the runway

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