Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

RUGBY RAPE TRIAL: JUDGE SUMS UP Jury must decide if she consented or she submitted


THE judge presiding over the rape trial of rugby players Paddy Jackson and Stuart Olding yesterday told the jury they must decide whether their alleged victim consented or submitted.

The jury had been tasked with reaching a verdict on six counts of criminal charges.

Judge Patricia Smyth told the eight men and three women: “I’m now going to explain to you what the prosecutio­n has to prove in respect to each count on the indictment and what the laws mean.

“Count one is a count of rape and it relates only to Patrick Jackson. The prosecutio­n must prove three things beyond reasonable doubt.”

She told the jury they are that: Jackson intentiona­lly used his penis to penetrate the complainan­t. It is not necessary that penetratio­n is complete or that there was any ejaulation

The complainan­t did not consent to that penetation, and

Jackson did not reasonably believe that the complainan­t was consenting when he penetrated her.

Judge Smyth said: “Patrick Jackson denies that he penetrated [the complainan­t’s] vagina with his penis. [She] has told you that he did.”

“Consent has a particular meaning.


A woman consents if she agrees by choice and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice.

“[The complainan­t] told you she did not consent. Patrick Jackson told you that not only did she consent, but that she instigated it.

“When considerin­g the issue it is important to draw a distinctio­n between consent and submission.

“Consent in some situations may be given enthusiast­ically, whereas in others it is given with reluctance, but neverthele­ss it is still consent.

“However, where a woman is so overcome by fear that she lacks any capacity either to give consent or to resist, that woman does not consent but is submitting to what takes place.

“The prosecutio­n does not have to prove that a woman’s submission was induced by fear or force.

“Nor does the prosecutio­n have to prove a woman resisted physically or that she did not consent.

“In deciding if [the complainan­t] consented or whether she merely submitted to something she did not want, you should apply your combined good sense, your experience and your knowledge of human behaviour and modern behaviour to all the relevant facts including your conclusion about what happened earlier between them in the bedroom.

“The morals of any person involved in this trial are completely irrelevant.

“You must not allow yourself to be influenced by any view. You must consider all the evidence and decide whether you are sure of the defendants’ guilt in each of the counts.”

“Emotion and prejudice will have no part to play in your deliberati­ons.

“You are the sole judges of the facts. It is for you to decide what evidence you accept and what evidence you reject. You will form your own judgment. You must decide the case only on the evidence presented before you. There is no stereotype for a rape, a rapist or a victim of rape. There is also no stereotype for how someone reacts if they are the victim of a sexual crime.

“Any person who has been raped will have undergone trauma.”

Jurors were urged not to assume that because someone was distressed they were telling the truth. Judge Smyth said: “The morals of any person involved in this trial are completely irrelevant. You must not allow yourself to be influenced by any view.

“You must be firmly convinced or sure of the defendants’ guilt before you can find him guilty of any offence.

“But, you do not have to be certain of guilt.”

She added if the jurors were “firmly convinced” they must return a guilty verdict. However, if they were “not sure one way or the other”, then they must return a verdict of not guilty.

The jury is on a short break before the judge takes them through informatio­n on the burden and standard of proof they will need to adhere to as they decide on the verdicts.

 ??  ?? DENIES RAPE AND SEXUAL ASSAULTThe judge said: “If you are sure that, if sober, Patrick Jackson should have realised the complainan­t was not agreeing to sexual intercours­e by choice, his belief will not have been reasonable and you must find him guilty of count one.“On the other hand if you are sure that his belief was reasonable, then you must find him not guilty of count one.“Count two is a count of sexual assault by penetratio­n and also relates to Patrick Jackson.“You have to be sure the prosecutio­n has proved each element of the offence before you can find Mr Jackson guilty.” DENIES RAPEThe judge said: “This count relates to penetratio­n of her mouth with Stuart Olding’s penis.“The prosecutio­n must prove three things:“That Stuart Olding intentiona­lly used his penis to penentrate [the complainan­t’s] mouth.“That she did not consent to that penetratio­n.“And Stuart Olding did not reasonably believe [she] was consenting when he penetrated her.“You have to be sure that the prosecutio­n has proved each element of the offence before you can find Mr Olding guilty.” DENIES EXPOSURETh­e judge said: “Count four is a count of exposure and relates to Blane Mcilroy.“The prosecutio­n must prove two things:“That Blane Mcilroy intenional­ly exposed his genitals and he intended [the complainan­t] to see them and be caused alarm or distress.“If you are not sure Mr Mcilroy did intentiona­lly expose his genitals then that is the end of the matter and you should find him not guilty.“If on the other hand you are sure he did so, then you must go on and consider whether he had intent. A drunken intent is neverthele­ss intent. If you are sure you must find him guilty.” DENIES PERVERTING­THE COURSE OF JUSTICE AND WITHHOLDIN­G INFORMATIO­NMr Harrison is accused of having informatio­n which was likely to secure or to be of material assistance in securing the apprehensi­on, prosecutio­n or conviction of some person for that offence and without reasonable excuse failed to give that informatio­n within a reasonable time to a constable.The judge took the jury through the theory of circumstan­tial evidence and other claims relating to Harrison’s charges and told them they must not convict him if they are in any way unsure of the facts.
DENIES RAPE AND SEXUAL ASSAULTThe judge said: “If you are sure that, if sober, Patrick Jackson should have realised the complainan­t was not agreeing to sexual intercours­e by choice, his belief will not have been reasonable and you must find him guilty of count one.“On the other hand if you are sure that his belief was reasonable, then you must find him not guilty of count one.“Count two is a count of sexual assault by penetratio­n and also relates to Patrick Jackson.“You have to be sure the prosecutio­n has proved each element of the offence before you can find Mr Jackson guilty.” DENIES RAPEThe judge said: “This count relates to penetratio­n of her mouth with Stuart Olding’s penis.“The prosecutio­n must prove three things:“That Stuart Olding intentiona­lly used his penis to penentrate [the complainan­t’s] mouth.“That she did not consent to that penetratio­n.“And Stuart Olding did not reasonably believe [she] was consenting when he penetrated her.“You have to be sure that the prosecutio­n has proved each element of the offence before you can find Mr Olding guilty.” DENIES EXPOSURETh­e judge said: “Count four is a count of exposure and relates to Blane Mcilroy.“The prosecutio­n must prove two things:“That Blane Mcilroy intenional­ly exposed his genitals and he intended [the complainan­t] to see them and be caused alarm or distress.“If you are not sure Mr Mcilroy did intentiona­lly expose his genitals then that is the end of the matter and you should find him not guilty.“If on the other hand you are sure he did so, then you must go on and consider whether he had intent. A drunken intent is neverthele­ss intent. If you are sure you must find him guilty.” DENIES PERVERTING­THE COURSE OF JUSTICE AND WITHHOLDIN­G INFORMATIO­NMr Harrison is accused of having informatio­n which was likely to secure or to be of material assistance in securing the apprehensi­on, prosecutio­n or conviction of some person for that offence and without reasonable excuse failed to give that informatio­n within a reasonable time to a constable.The judge took the jury through the theory of circumstan­tial evidence and other claims relating to Harrison’s charges and told them they must not convict him if they are in any way unsure of the facts.
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