Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)

‘You’re too young to die’ warning was the shock I needed to lose 5 stone

Mum, 51, tells of health struggle


“YOU’RE too young to die!” Those were the stark words from a loved one that prompted Siobhan O’hagan to lose more than five stone.

The mum of four says her health was so bad family members were fearful for her future and urged her to do something about her weight.

The Co Tyrone woman, 51, told the Mirror: “I was having problems breathing, heart palpitatio­ns, panic attacks, the whole works, and my family were really concerned.

“It was my niece Angeline who just told me enough was enough, she’s an occupation­al therapist and she just said, ‘I can see you going down hill so fast’ and at that stage I was only 48 at the time, she said to me, ‘You’re too young to die, so you just have to do it’.


“So she was going to the local Weight Watchers group and she says, ‘You have to come with me, we’re really worried about you’, so I started with her and even after she stopped, I kept on going.

“A few weeks before I started the classes, I had lost 11lbs on my own, and then since I joined I’ve lost 4 stone 5lbs and am just a few pounds shy of my target now, so over 5 stone in total.

“I haven’t looked back since, it was the best thing I could possibly have done. I suffer with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporos­is and although it was never going to cure conditions like that, it has helped me feel better.”

The Coalisland woman admits she rarely went out of the house before starting Weight Watchers in September 2016 but now has a new lease of life and brighter outlook.

Siobhan added: “I just love going to the classes. There’s a real camaraderi­e amongst everyone, it’s a real wee community on its own and everyone helps each other with tips and recipes.”

Siobhan told how her attitude towards food has changed but she can still enjoy her favourite treats while staying on the plan.

She admitted: “My biggest downfall before would have been Chinese takeaways. Sweet foods wouldn’t bother me but I loved my savoury food, I loved my big dinners, my Chinese, it wouldn’t have mattered what time it was, if I fancied a Chinese I would have just had it, it didn’t matter if it was late at night.”

Siobhan is now urging anyone who is struggling with their weight and is unsure of where to start to “just go for it”.

She added: “It’s something you think you can’t do but you can. I would tell anyone else who’s thinking of losing weight to just go for it, because it has taught me how to live again, I think it saved my life. Just going out to this class and meeting new friends and talking to people, it’s changed me.”

For more on Weight Watchers or to find your nearest group visit their website or Facebook page.

It taught me how to live again. I think it saved my life


 ??  ?? BEFORE Coalisland woman Siobhan O’hagan AFTER Mum of four shows off new figure
BEFORE Coalisland woman Siobhan O’hagan AFTER Mum of four shows off new figure

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