Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)


Disgusted Sky boss claims spitting & abuse of Froome a ‘French cultural thing’


TEAM SKY godfather Sir Dave Brailsford fears there will be no ceasefire in the abuse of his riders – and does not expect Tour de France organisers to do anything about it.

Fed-up Brailsford branded the atrocious treatment of defending champion Chris Froome, current leader Geraint Thomas and Sky’s support staff as a “French cultural thing”.

Froome has been punched, spat at, showered in an unidentifi­ed liquid, and dodged a smoke bomb tossed into the peloton, while Thomas has been booed on the podium when presented with the Yellow Jersey.

But Brailsford says his cyclists are entitled to the same respect France’s World Cup-winning footballer­s were shown in Russia.

When Mirror Sport asked the Team Sky principal if enough was enough, he replied: “I don’t think it’s going to stop. I’m not too optimistic on that front.

“We accept it, but it’s challengin­g – and we have to make a decision as to how we behave and we’re all trying to remain dignified, not react and stay in a mindset where we don’t get distracted by it.

“But I also don’t think spitting and throwing things has a place in profession­al sport. I’m not sure it’s got a place in everyday life, but it seems to be the done thing here. It’s a shame, but we’re not going to let it distract us.

“It’s interestin­g that we’ve just done the Giro d’italia, when Chris’s case was still open, and the Italians were fantastic. The Spanish were the same last year. It just seems to be a French thing, a French cultural thing.

“I’m not sure they would have liked their football players being spat at in Russia, I’m sure there would have been a word or two about that, but it’s OK to spit on us and our staff.”

 ??  ?? GAUNTLET OF HATE Froome has been given a rough ride by French fans
GAUNTLET OF HATE Froome has been given a rough ride by French fans

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