Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)


Nathan, 21, in appeal as he fights cancer


A BRAVE cancer patient is hoping his fight will inspire others to sign up to the Anthony Nolan stem cell register.

Weeks after his 21st birthday Nathan Crane was diagnosed with stage 4b Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Now, as he undergoes intensive chemothera­py treatment, he is remaining positive and wants to use his experience to urge others to sign up to the register.

The former Lagan College pupil, from the Shankill area of West Belfast, said: “Even if one person signs up because of this it will be worth it, it is one person more than before and there’s more of a chance for people who need it.

“I started feeling unwell back in January this year, I was losing weight and colour in my face and I was getting night sweats so I went to see my doctor.

“The doctor did some routine blood tests and then they called me back the same day and said there were some abnormalit­ies and further tests were needed.”

Nathan was then referred for an MRI scan which was carried out on April 23, his 21st birthday. That same day he was referred for an urgent CT scan which took place one week later.

He added: “I was still in the dark, I did not know it was cancer, they had mentioned lymph nodes but I didn’t know what they were.” Nathan, who had been working as a call centre agent with hopes of becoming a lorry driver, said he then had to undergo a biopsy on glands and it was then his mum Julie, who is a nurse, started to prepare him that the news may not be good.

He said: “She told me it was most likely going to be cancer, her telling me did soften the blow.

“It was May 25 when they confirmed I had classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma, there are two types and both are blood cancers but this is slightly more treatable.

“The first thing you think when you hear cancer is that cancer kills, it is the disease everyone dreads. I was only 21 and had everything to live for.

“I had planned to go to Mexico on holiday over the July holidays and had been saving for ages but I had to cancel. As the weeks went on I did think, ‘this might kill me’, but my mum told me it could be worse.

“Now I just think some people do not even have a chance, some people are told at the first appointmen­t there’s nothing more they can do.

“I am grateful that I have a chance.”

Nathan is now in the middle of 18 weeks of treatment, which is done in six three-week cycles, but he said doctors are positive about his future.

He added: “It is one of the most treatable cancers you can get in young people.

“They aim to cure me, they are hopeful they can cure me and it is all about positivity.”

But brave Nathan wants to use his experience to help others and is calling on people to sign up to the Anthony Nolan stem cell register.

He said: “A lot of people who need stem cells actually rely on strangers as the chances of family being a match are low.

“I don’t think people are as aware about donating stem cells compared to blood, I hope with my story people will see how positive I am and will think about donating.”

To find out more about signing up to the register visit www.anthonynol­an.org.

 ??  ?? STAYING POSITIVE Nathan Crane is being treated for Hodgkin’s lymphoma REGISTER Call for stem cell donations
STAYING POSITIVE Nathan Crane is being treated for Hodgkin’s lymphoma REGISTER Call for stem cell donations
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DEVOTED With girlfriend Chelsea

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