Daily Mirror (Northern Ireland)



Dear Coleen

I’m getting married in the New Year and I’m having a crisis of confidence.

I’ve gone from being really excited about it to hating everything about the arrangemen­ts and crying at night because I’m so worried.

I hate my dress. I’m worried about who’s coming and who’s not coming – and it all feels overwhelmi­ng.

Surely this should be a happy time and I shouldn’t be crying over stuff like this? I’ve been planning things for months now, but I feel like ditching it all and starting again. Is this normal? I want it to be the happiest day of my life.

Coleen says

I think you’re putting an incredible amount of pressure on yourself and you don’t have to. You’ve thought about this day for so long and put so much into the preparatio­ns, and you’re panicking that it’s all going to go wrong.

Well it won’t. As long as you love your fiance and you’re getting married for the right reasons, then the day will be amazing. You won’t even notice the table settings or any of the other details.

Every bride worries to some extent about what they’ll look like when all eyes are on them and want every detail to be perfect, but remember that all those people you’ve invited will be rooting for you and they’re there to celebrate your marriage.

You’re stressed, so take a break from it. Ask your mum, sister or friend to step in and help with any arrangemen­ts, so you can focus on enjoying this time with your fiance.

And I’m sure they’ll be reassuring when it comes to how lovely you look in your dress.

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